Reddit is ready for IPO, its CEO was paid 193 M last year

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Pekelo, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. This is a trading forum. Its not snap chat or Pokemon. We are serious investors and traders here making serious money. While Generation L spends their day chasing Click Bait and getting warm and fuzzy upvotes for fake news...we are earning a living. I come here specifically because its a very well designed website for getting straight to new posts, investment sectors, trading journals ect..

    Fake upvotes, fake news, heavy moderation, "the us verses them" mentality...with all its superficial emotional noise ...its mind cluttering drama that clouds my trading, clouds my thought process, interferes with my even temperament and unemotional intraday trading skills. I usually block the Generation L posters here for that very reason. There are SO MANY other apps and websites you can go to for making yourself feel more "validated and special and Unique". For the fake news and drama and emotional upvotes I stay away from them. Thank God this site still exists. You can spend all day on reddit getting 3 cents worth of emotional points...I will stay here and get 3 thousand worth of actual money. But keep those diamonds hands warm...maybe one day you'll actually need them.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
    #41     Mar 22, 2024
    Baron likes this.
  2. Pekelo


    Just because you haven't found a good sub on reddit, that doesn't mean they don't exist. :)

    The option sub is way better than the one here. The gain porn on other subs are better, well here it is basically non-existing. (for inspiration)

    You get to find there an expert on just about everything. Also, you get an answer to your question faster, just by the sheer numbers of redditors...
    #42     Mar 23, 2024
    Zwaen likes this.
  3. Zwaen


    Hi Pekelo, could you share some interesting threads/users for the options? Could be interesting to learn more :)
    #43     Mar 23, 2024
  4. newwurldmn


    one of my colleagues posted a very esoteric question regarding our niche industry practices. He had 5 answers within 40 minutes and we went with one of the consulting firms proposed.
    #44     Mar 23, 2024
    Zwaen likes this.
  5. Zwaen


    Haha, oke
    #45     Mar 23, 2024
  6. I have found many, many great subs there. But all are from the Heyday back in the early 2000s. Recently. they have altered the moderation and many of the posters whom would reply to a post quickly have either been banned or have left. The moderation has twisted reddit into a tool for a political narrative.

    Also...with the type of business model they have chosen (points, upvotes, us verses them, silver stars, deep control) you have to be very very careful about bot usage and the amount of bots. Since they have decided upon public corporation the bot usage for views has exploded in similar fashion to facebook. And now with AI...I would imagine more and more of the answers will be provided by bots moderated into a fashion of Quora.

    This is also the case with youtube. Going back not that long ago you could search youtube and find videos on just about anything. You could fix anything. You could explore anything. Now, a search on youtube provides a list of click bait, emotional reaction, expertly worded fake news and a vacuum of clicking into a vortex of mindless brain spew...a hypnosis of mental energy loss
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    #46     Mar 23, 2024
  7. Pekelo


    1. Reddit started in 2005 and I very few people used it in the beginning. You may meant early 2010s.

    2. Moderation. Visit the subs where moderation not so bad.

    3. The business model hasn't changed in any major way in the last few years. Ads are easy to avoid, I don't see any.

    Anyhow, if you don't like it, don't use it, your miss. The number of users and experts there vastly outnumbers them here, in every category.
    #47     Mar 23, 2024
  8. Pekelo


    I don't save them, but generally the ones with more posts are the interesting ones.

    The last interesting business thread that I read was from wallstreetbets and it was about the business model of MSTR and speculating about it.

    Here is an ontopic opinion about the short term value of the RDDT stock from another interesting sub, theraceto10million:

    #48     Mar 23, 2024
    Zwaen likes this.
  9. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    One thing about the Reddit story that has my wheels turning is the fact that they were able to work out a deal with an AI company for 10 years of posts for $60 million a year to assist with the training of the AI model.

    Now I'm thinking about what possibilities there are, if any, for me to do a deal with a financial-oriented AI company to provide them with 25 years of posts from ET since 1999. Obviously, it wouldn't be a deal anywhere near what Reddit did since they facilitate discussion about everything, but still, even a fraction of that would be awesome and a win-win.

    Is this just wishful thinking or do you guys think it could be a real possibility?
    #49     Mar 24, 2024
    semperfrosty likes this.
  10. Curious why AI couldnt access the posts just from access to the web?

    I'm probably missing something though.

    Interesting opportunity.Good luck with it.:thumbsup:
    #50     Mar 25, 2024