Red States Out Perform Blue States On Economy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, May 23, 2013.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    LOL./..oh yeah, the census would no doubt put that on there, because the government is all about relevancy.

    Make shit up, eh?

    It doesn't mention NJ in that text, but they're number 1.

    Texas - no state income tax.
    Arizona - 4.54 max income tax rate to California's 13.3.
    Nevada - no state income tax.
    Washington - no state income tax.
    Oregon is the only surprise, but I guess some moonbats can't leave the west coast, but still want a slightly lower rate.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it, moonbat. Oh wait, isn't smoking illegal in california yet? Or is that just cigarettes, but not pot?
    #21     May 23, 2013
  2. pspr


    What a dumbass.

    <font size=5 color=red><b>And, In Liberal/Democrap La La Land:</b></font>

    1. The war in Iraq's purpose was to gain oil contracts for American companies, specifically, a company that Dick Cheney used to work for...Halliburton.

    2. The rich don't really earn their money, therefore they don't deserve to keep it.

    3. If the Republicans still had their way, blacks would be sitting at the end of lunch counters in the south.

    4. The poor can't improve their situation in life, "They just lost the lottery of life." (thanks for the quote Al Gore)

    5. The mass media in the United States is controlled by conservatives.

    6. This nation was not founded on Judeo-Christian principles.

    7. The government can provide better services than private enterprise.

    8. Microsoft, Walmart, and all the big evil companies sole purpose is to rip off consumers and take the little guy out of business.

    9. Illegal aliens deserve the same rights as US citizens. Hell, they only broke one law, right? After all, some of them pay taxes.

    10. Communism wasn't a very serious threat, politicians only used the word 'communism' to scare people in the 20th century.

    11. The threat of terrorism is purely America's fault, we never understood the Muslim culture.

    12. The UN has America's best interests in mind and they are a very fair organization.

    13. Christian politicians are the most dangerous individuals in American society today.

    14. Criminals need rehabilitation, they don't need punishment.

    15. Ronald Reagan is the most overrated president in American history.

    16. A very important consideration in national security is what other country's citizens or government might think about us.

    17. Republicans are inherently racist individuals.

    18. Welfare is a great program, with very few flaws.

    19. The reason why our public schools are in such a state of disrepair is because of poor funding.

    20. Lower taxes haven't been proven to stimuate economies.

    21. The recession of the early '00s was the fault of GW Bush.

    22. The root of a fair amount of evil in the world is the fault of the Bush Republican administration.

    23. John Ashcroft, if he had the chance, would round up all Muslims in America and throw them into concentration camps.

    24. The Republicans have no regard for people's rights, even if they are plotting against the United States.

    25. Israel has committed more war crimes than the Arab world could ever commit.

    26. Most people who vote for Republicans are rednecks, racists, homophobes, or rich.

    27. Republicans are just insecure with their own sexuality, that is why they oppose gay marriage.

    28. The only reason that Republican talk radio has been so successful is because conservatives can't get the Christian or Country radio stations where they live.

    29. America is a bilingual culture, and we should make all efforts to become one to ease the transition for immigrants.

    30. Republicans don't believe that seniors should have a safe and secure financial status.

    31. Republicans are not interested in the environment.

    32. We're all going to die because of the ozone layer and greenhouse gasses.

    33. SUV drivers are arrogant and don't care. They don't deserve the right to own whatever car they want.

    34. Homeless people deserve to walk the streets and roam free. They are spirits just like us. Just because many need mental and substance abuse counseling doesn't mean we should interfere in their life.

    35. A welfare state is exactly what the Founding Father's envisioned when they drafted the constitution.

    36. The rich are only interested in themselves.

    37. NPR is a great bastion of American society and a great source for unbiased news, and without a doubt should be funded by the taxpayers.

    38. The only people interested in playing partisian politics are the Republicans.

    39. Whites enslaved the black people, therefore, the only way for blacks to overcome their true pain is for whites to make some form of reparations.

    40. Most people on welfare are eager to get off the government dole and work hard to do so.

    41. Schools are more important than parental involvement at home.

    42. Affirmative action is needed because more often than not, white employers will not hire the most qualified employee. They mostly hire solely based on race.

    43. Ronald Reagan didn't help end Communism, it just magically fell apart.

    44. No matter how hard a poor person works, they will never escape the grip of poverty.

    45. Just because Cubans come from a country where they are severly oppressed doesn't mean we should give them asylum.

    46. The loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States will cause a severe, permanent gain in unemployment.

    47. Outsourcing is just not fair to all those involved.

    48. Giving democracy to an oppressed people is a great policy, but only when a Democrat is president.

    49. America gave birth to Osama bin Laden.

    50. George Wallace wasn't really a Democrat.

    51. Martin Luther King wasn't really a Republican.
    #22     May 23, 2013
  3. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Dude, you're raining on his parade, you know. His M.O. is to get whatever data set supports his position best and use that.
    #23     May 23, 2013
  4. pspr


    That's exactly how the AGW alarmist crowd works! In fact, they will even make up the data if need be. :D
    #24     May 23, 2013
  5. Lucrum


    There's a lot of that going on around here. convertahillbillliy is no exception.
    #25     May 23, 2013
  6. The Census just collects data; there are no [known] black helicopters operating there.

    And just like the Census report, nowhere in either of the two articles you cite did it mention taxes as being a reason why people move. You just proved my point; people don't move because of taxes.
    #26     May 23, 2013
  7. I did dipshit. If you think it plays no role, you're stupider than gabfly.
    #27     May 23, 2013
  8. pspr


    Tell it to the French. We already know better here.
    #28     May 23, 2013
  9. Lucrum


    Whatever helps you sleep at night Alice.
    #29     May 24, 2013
  10. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Who said anything about black helicopters other than yourself?

    The census not asking relevant or up-to-date questions is not surprising. The BLS has some of the same issues in it's reporting in the private survey. Government simply does not ask relevant questions sometimes, and can frequently be out of date with it's reporting methodology. Claiming people do not move to another state for better taxes or expenses simply because the question is not on the census list is idiotic, even for idiots such as yourself.

    Incidentally, I moved because of taxes. I left Maryland for Florida.
    #30     May 24, 2013