Reconciliation of the soul

Discussion in 'Politics' started by morganist, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Unlike the song would have us believe, Go(o)d is not watching us. Go(o)d is aware of the World of Go(o)d, and we are watching over our own. Who are we? Who, exactly, is who?
    #41     Jan 31, 2010
  2. It's like the Allegory of the Cave in Plato's Republic.

    The question is whether you see this reality as "all there is" or if it is part of something larger. The prisoners in the cave only see the shadows on the wall, so for them that is all there is to reality. Plato never brings the idea of "religion" into his story.

    Religion started as the search for "Why". Some believe they have the answer, others are still searching.
    #42     Jan 31, 2010
  3. Word on the street is that Plato's allegory of "the Cave" was one of Jesus' favorite parables. That's the word of Gary Renard's transcendental visitors who claim to have been Jesus' students Thomas and Thaddeus (Jude) (see Disappearance of the Universe). Interestingly enough, there is a parable between Plato's Cave, and Jesus' Tomb. The Tomb of Jesus represents the entire cosmos of time/mass, from which he escaped by rolling away an obstacle ( a stone of sorts).
    #43     Jan 31, 2010
  4. This has been the gnostic tune from the start. Secret knowledge of the truth that only a small few of humanity could attain, or needed to be attained through an enlightened pneumatic.
    #44     Jan 31, 2010
  5. It is only secret to the extent that each mind suppresses the shining forth of knowledge from "within", so-to-speak. Knowledge is available to all, being for all...being the original inheritance of all. Since ignorance will not prevail against knowledge, all will attain the knowledge needed to overcome the ignorance that makes the world what it is. This takes time. There's plenty of time for those who ignore knowledge to decide to pay attention to it. At any given time, only a few understand because knowledge is not popular in a world that depends on ignorance for the perpetuation of the experiences that ignorance offers.
    #45     Jan 31, 2010