Reconciliation of the soul

Discussion in 'Politics' started by morganist, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. There are only 2 reasons people do what they do and act how they act.

    1. people want to avoid pain
    2. people want pleasure

    People will do whatever they can to avoid pain and gain pleasure. Whatever the person values most of those two choices they will do.

    For instance...many people think being rich will be pleasurable, yet they dont go out and become rich because the pain of doing all that work is greater than the pleasure they perceive they would get from being rich. Yet a rich man will endure the pain because he perceives being rich to be worth going through the pain.

    Pain & pleasure are the only two elements that drive us in this life.
    #21     Jan 27, 2010
  2. morganist

    morganist Guest

    what if you love someone and because of that you no longer receive pleasure from affecting other people negatively and you only receive pain from it. if you love someone and you receive great pleasure from that do you now have to do things negatively to get pleasure from somewhere else now that you have pleasure without having to do it.

    i guess what i am saying is loving someone is so pleasurable there is nothing else you want. you don't need to do terrible things. when that happens you also see how terrible these things are because you appreciate the value of another human being as the person you love has an unrivalled value to you and it is a value that is outside of yourself and your own wants. you love them in a way that they mean more to you than you and that provides all the pleasure you need plus a avoidance of things that cause other pain as a result of loving something outside of yourself.
    #22     Jan 27, 2010
  3. It's been my experience that empathy is solely environmental. To aquire empathy I first had to experience some of the same hardships as those around me.

    If you work in the rain, yea we might feel empathy when we see someone else working in the rain.

    But if the old man kicks you in the ass, you're not quite sure if anyone knows how this feels so you go out and kick someone else in the ass and check their reaction.

    You are small and weak, (because the old man is big and strong) so logically you'd seek out someone who is smaller and weaker than you to test out your theory.
    #23     Jan 27, 2010
  4. morganist

    morganist Guest

    i don't know if i agree. also there is sympathy to have not experienced the suffering but care regardless. also why do you have to test it out.
    #24     Jan 27, 2010
  5. stu


    To ‘care regardless’ will stem from the indubitability that animal nature is altruistic and cooperative. It’s no contradiction to say selflessness follows naturally from a selfishness to survive.
    #25     Jan 28, 2010
  6. It is just as logically possible that the survival instinct is not at all selfish in its nature or application, but placed in each living being for the good of future generations and to perpetuate the while or others may view the instinct for survival as innately selfish, I view it as a selflessness by design, following the designed purpose of continuation of the species...

    Only a truly self centered narcissistic person would view life as without any purpose but of their own imaginations...

    #26     Jan 28, 2010
  7. stu


    ....for a God
    #27     Jan 28, 2010
  8. Your life has a purpose... a clown.

    #28     Jan 28, 2010
  9. jem


    you confuse liberal stupidity and desire to enable with repentance.

    If you are truly remorseful for you sins you not only recognize them but you turn away from them.

    As you turn away you wonder about those still doing the same acts.

    You are left with a 3 choices.

    Ignore them.
    Enable them.
    Label and then prevent or legislate against.) .

    As a citizen of county with a constitution I say you only real choice is 1 or 3. (1 is libertarian - conservative) and 3 might be evangelical.

    The only bad choice is 2. That is what liberals and democrats like to do.

    For instance - killing unborn children.... a brutal and barbaric act that one might argue is within a womans constitutional right.

    solutions -

    a. eliminate abortion or curtail it - group 3. (evangelical approach)
    b. leave it alone - a conservative or libertarian might say let the states decide - or leave it up to the woman. -- group 1.

    c. Only commies with no conscience would be in favor of using the people's tax dollars to pay pay for the killing of pre born children.

    Forcing those who find it to be murder to pay for execution of unborn citizens or future citizens.

    Yet that is what democrats do - and that is what many wish to do with Obama care.

    It is outrageous to me that commie dems want to take my tax dollars and kill babies with it.

    How can you speak about inner conscience and redemption and democrats in the same breath.

    If you think a woman should have right to kill her child fine -- that is your belief. But to use tax dollar to pay for it? You must have a hidden death agenda.
    #29     Jan 28, 2010
  10. So predictable...

    Read the big print, I didn't say dems were any better...

    Now take the hook out of your mouth you stupid fish...

    #30     Jan 28, 2010