If you have no previous knowledge of macro economics then you really need to start at the start. Go to an educational bookstore and look at first year university level books that cover macro. I'm sure you'll get some relatively new second hand books really cheap. Runningbear
I took Econ as a minor at University and although it was pretty cool to read about macroeconomics, the money supply, balance of international payments, swaps, bank rates, etc... I found that it is only applicable in the long run. Even the textbooks will say that it is a long run view. So IMHO, it isn't very useful to know for trading unless you are investing on that time scale. It is a good read if only for personal knowledge, but the most applicable Econ concept that I found for trading is the micro section on supply and demand and how/why prices move. Also, the affect of price celings/floors and intervention is insightful for the FX market, and to a lesser degree on MM's decision to put heavy support or resistance at a key whole number level. DNAJ65000
I suggest you NOT concern yourself with economics... it will hurt your performance by inducing conflicts.
A market theory of Money John Hick - Nobel Prize Oxford University Press 1989 Old but Classic from brilliant economist Nicholas Kaldor who has studied the link between speculation and economy: Essays on Economic Stability and Growth 1939 revised in 1960 in Review of Economic Studies
I would recommend Keynes: The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (Great Minds Series) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...102-9332659-9072954?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 to understand how American government operates, and what kind of policies it will most likely implement under different conditions. It seems that creating bubbles is the favorite game in town nowadays. On the other side of the coin: Ludwig von Mises (Austrian school of thought) is a good start in understanding the factors behind bubbles. http://www.mises.org/mises.asp DVB