Recommendations on time-series price prediction models?

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by jublin, Apr 5, 2021.

  1. userque


    Thanks for that. But still ... where is the time input variable? I only see the R variables:

    y =
    0: R4 = R2 * cos (-81.5485)
    1: R0 = 50.7399 - R4
    2: R4 = R4 * cos (0.199104)
    3: R3 = sqrt (R4)
    4: R4 = 41.8048 * cos (R3)
    5: R4 = 4.3255 / R4
    6: R4 = atan2 (R4 / R0)
    7: R0 = R0 * cos (87.6408)
    8: R0 = R4 + R0
    9: R4 = R4 * sin (-4.13973)
    10: R0 = R4 + R0
    11: R2 = -44.0889 * sinh (R0)
    12: R4 = abs (R0)
    13: R3 = log (R4)
    14: R4 = atan2 (R2 / 70.0589)
    15: R0 = R4 + R0
    16: R2 = asinh (R0)
    17: R1 = 13.707 * sin (R3)
    18: R1 = R1 * sin (-37.162)
    19: R4 = 1.39025 * sin (R4)
    20: R1 = R1 * cos (68.1254)
    21: R3 = tanh (R1 * R3 + R4)
    22: R2 = R2 - R3
    23: R4 = asin (R1)
    24: R1 = sigmoid (-12.9007 * R1 + R4)
    25: R1 = R1 * cosh (R3)
    26: R2 = R1 + R2
    27: R2 = R2 * sin (1.16991)
    28: R2 = R2 * sin (-79.8879)
    29: R0 = 62.65 - R2
    return R0

    This formula, as it sits, will only output a single 'y' value. It offers no way to vary 'y' based on 't,' or based on any other variable. ??!!

    If 't' is 1, where is the '1' represented in this formula?
    If 't' is 2, where would the '2' be represented in this formula?
    #31     Apr 20, 2021
  2. ph1l


    All the registers get initialized with the single input value before any of the statements run. So for the 5 registers in this example, that's equivalent to R0 = R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = t where t is 0 for the first value, 1 for the second, ...
    #32     Apr 20, 2021
  3. userque


    So, the first line,
    0: R4 = R2 * cos (-81.5485)
    is essentially,
    0: R4 = t * cos (-81.5485)  ??
    And I assume the execution is from top to bottom.?

    Do you always start with five registers, in all cases?
    #33     Apr 20, 2021
  4. ph1l


    Yes, yes, and yes (does that make me a yes man?:)).

    R2 is initialized to t before the instructions run.

    Execution is top-to-bottom. I didn't put in any conditional control flow because then the genetic part might cause the fittest function to closely match the input data but be useless for extrapolation.

    I configured the number of registers to 5, and the fitted function uses them all. It's possible a run on different data might not use all the configured registers.

    When an operation would result in a non-finite or illegal value (e.g., square root of a negative number), the result of the operation gets set to -888888888. I chose an arbitrary value instead of NaN (not a number) to avoid the degenerate case when all rules return NaN.
    #34     Apr 20, 2021
  5. userque


    Ok. :)

    Later today/tonight, I'll run the data through my software, just as you did.

    But normally, I use far more features than just the closing price.
    #35     Apr 20, 2021
  6. rolloff


    Models that I have seen applied for time series predictions:

    1) Linear regression
    2) ARIMA
    3) Gaussian Dynamic Boltzmann Machines
    4) Dynamic Linear models
    5) Time-Varying Autoregression
    6) LGBM / Catboost / Gaussian Boosting / Entropy-based Boosting
    7) LSTMs, multilayer-LSTMs, rescaled LSTMs, phased LSTMs / LSTM gate variants
    8) GARCH / TGARCH / NN-GARCH for volatility
    #36     Apr 20, 2021
  7. Poljot


    There is an Exponential Smoothing (ETS) algorithm in MS Excel. Function name is FORECAST and it includes seasonality.
    #37     Apr 20, 2021
  8. userque


    Had to run some unexpected calculations from yesterday, into market close today. Forgot about this post.

    Setting it up now ... should have a very preliminary function in several minutes.
    #38     Apr 21, 2021
  9. userque


    After a few minutes:

    #39     Apr 21, 2021
  10. userque


    A few more minutes:

    #40     Apr 21, 2021