Reasons I'm Quitting Trade Station After Only 3 Weeks

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by mazotrade, Mar 18, 2004.

  1. How long have you been trading? What other direct access brokers can you compare with TS?

    As for the short list, if they post an availability list, I'd go ahead and check it with other brokers, such as IB, who posts theirs on the website and updates it at least daily.

    I've never used TS brokerage or any of their products, but it seems like I never hear good things about them.
    #11     Mar 19, 2004
  2. Points taken. TS doesn't allow automated stop limits, which is why I manually stepped in and cancelled the order when slippage became too large, only to be filled anyway.

    I hear you about the NYSE and their specialists. To be honest, I think my real problem here was that, on that day, TS only offered 1 of my 6 picks for shorting, and it turned out to be a dreaded NYSE stock, with obvious pitfalls. Eager to trade, and frustrated by TS's crappy inventory of shorts, I ignored common sense and violated one of the cardinal rules of trading: Don't trade if you don't have a good trade. I mean, ATI was one of my picks, for good or bad reasons, so I wasn't going in blind. I took my chances and I failed.

    Now that I've calmed down, I'll retract my emotional claim that TS cheated me by filling the order after I cancelled. It was probably just unlucky timing, nothing more.

    Nonetheless, no auto stop-limit orders and a poor inventory of shortable stocks makes TS unnecessarily restrictive in my opinion. I think potential clients should be aware of these limitations with TS.
    #12     Mar 19, 2004
  3. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    I love TradeStation. But there are a few bugs in everything.
    I have an automatic program that I trade, but I do it manually. I just can't bring myself to trust it just yet. Anyway, by doing it myself, I get lots better fills as the market breathes.
    Look into the add on software for TS in TradeStation World....... You might find just what you need to correct the problem. I had to do some Easy Language tweaking to get mine just right.:D
    #13     Mar 19, 2004
  4. What's wrong with posting a legit gripe in the two most prominent forums? Doubles my chances of getting constructive feedback, as well as amusing conspiracy theories.
    #14     Mar 19, 2004
  5. Ebo


    Want some cheese with your whine?
    #15     Mar 19, 2004
  6. mktman


    You still dont get who has the list of shortable stocks.

    IT'S NOT TS!

    The clearing agent has this problem.

    Will he ever get this?

    #16     Mar 19, 2004
  7. I get it. Same difference.

    #17     Mar 19, 2004
  8. mktman


    What lesson can be learned?

    Letting emotions guide your overall trading decisions and analysis can be very destructive.

    #18     Mar 19, 2004
  9. Turok


    >You still dont get who has the list of
    >shortable stocks.

    >IT'S NOT TS!

    And apparently you don't get that WHO it is doesn't matter. That chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.

    #19     Mar 19, 2004
  10. mktman


    Oh Turok so sorry got you going.


    I know.
    Maybe he should have investigated who has the shortable list and what stocks are in that list before going with TS?

    Do your homework.

    #20     Mar 19, 2004