Realtime scrolling commodity news source?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by apro4kids, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. apro4kids


    Can anyone recommend a realtime scrolling commodity news source that an individual investor can subscribe to and doesn't cost an obscene amount?
  2. ZBZB

    ZBZB xenith is a rebadged Reuters eikon for $99 or $150 a month depending on data. The news is the same on all services.
  3. heispark


    Twitter is the best.
    vanzandt likes this.
  4. bone


    From my experience - the best commodity news services (actionable intelligence that you can actually speculate on) are always commodity-space specific.

    One great example is Platt's for hydrocarbon energy.
  5. vanzandt


    That probably is true. You'd have to do some work finding reliable sources that are connected and Tweet the second something about whatever they follow comes out but yeah, thats a good way to get info. I used to have a guy that would Tweet the API #'s the second they'd come out on Tuesday's at 4:30, which was at least 15 minutes earlier than anywhere I could get them. I lost the link though. But the point is, yeah Twitter is a great resource now if you can find the right people.
  6. bone


    Well, the really BIG problem with trading off of news is twofold:1. the person reading the news will have only a couple seconds to parse the news particulars and then determine whether the news is bullish or bearish; and 2. quite frequently the markets will move counter to the prevailing wisdom about whether a news item is bullish or bearish.
    Overnight, vanzandt and Wheezooo like this.
  7. Overnight


    Yes! And this has been particularly true with CL reports as of late, but thankfully the market has been generally coming to it's senses and performing normally 15 or so minutes later. Algos gone wild.
  8. bone


    There was a time in the late 90’s and early 00’s where I quite literally spent $4500 per month on a Bloomberg professional terminal and boutique interest rate and energy advisory services.

    And none of it could tell me whether to buy or sell five seconds after the numbers came out.

    What’s more, probably 35% of the time (WAG) the market used bullish news as a selling opportunity and vice versa.

  9. Overnight


    That's maybe because you were not an algo gone wild. You were a human being.

    Are you still one? I think so, because you still can make neither heads nor tails of the movement these robots provoke.

    But I am sure that by now that you have learned, that if Trump were to say right now that he is banning all USA CL exports, you'd short the thing. :)
  10. vanzandt


    I can believe that. Interesting. Makes sense really.
    #10     Dec 6, 2019
    bone likes this.