Does anyone know of a quick way to scan a long list of stocks in REALTICK? I scan 400-500 stocks each night, and the only way I know of to look at each stock is to load them all into a list and then drag them one by one over into the chart. It would be nice to be able to set up hot key to click that would bring up each symbol one by one. Thanks.
I Don't think that is possible with realtick. If you don't mind, where did you get a .slf file with 400 symbols in it....did you create it by hand?
The stock list is one that I paste in from EXCEL, not an .slf file. I have a stock list of the entire market (NYSE and NASDAQ) that I paste into REALTICK to obtain closing prices, and then copy and pate back to EXCEL for filtering based on volume, price, trends based on moving averages, etc. I then cut and paste the filtered list of about 400 stocks from EXCEL back into REALTICK to conduct the final scan by eye. The process works well.....I am just trying to find ways to save wrist motion to prevent getting carpel tunnel! near the bottom of the page is a category called "Screeners for Trading Software" where there are 3 screeners specifically for RealTick - i don't know anything more about them except that SortWizard has been mentioned in posts here at ET, you may be able to search for those posts
Silvius, I don't exactly follow how you paste into Real Tick and then copy back to Excel. If you can explain that a little more I'd appreciate it. I have an interest list in a trading spreadsheet that I've created with several parameters (i.e.- current price, high, low, previous close, etc.) that are updated automatically in real time. This is accomplished using Talnet and the custom Excel sheets that are installed as part of the Real Tick package. I'm not sure if you are familiar with these features but they are worth investigating for the work you're doing. The only thing that is not is available as far as I know is the ability to import chart studies such as moving average values, etc. If you are not familiar with this and want more info, let me know. A benefit of using this (besides convenience) is that you can use the values, such as closing price, to update other parts of the workbook. I use this feature to track real time P&L of swing positions & overnight margin maintenance requirements. Swing positions are calculated off the original entry price versus the previous day's closing price. In addition, I have another sheet with the aggregate P&L (less commisions). I'm sure there are many other uses one may come up with. roger2 - Thanks for the link to the scanners.
Basically I use REALTICK to obtain close of day open,close,high,low,volume for about 10,000 stocks. I put my cursor on the interest list, copy to clip board, and then paste in an EXCEL spread sheet. I wrote an EXCEL macro that stores the closing price to a history sheet for calculating moving averages, and then filters out about 300-400 stocks that are forming good candlestick patterns based on volume and moving average formation that I copy back into my REALTICK interest list. I then scan the 300-400 stocks by eye to narrow my picks down to 5-10 plays for the following day. I tried using the Telnet feature in REALTICK, but found it was a bit sluggish for a list of 10,000 stocks. There probably is software out there that does what I am doing, but I figured it takes less time just to write a simple macro in EXCEL to do exactly what I want. Plus it was FREE! BTW.....I have found through experience that it is impossible for any software to scan and produce a final list of plays. The best way to find good patterns is through the good old fashion way. . . by eye. I use EXCEL to narrow the list because it is physically impossible to scan 10,000 stocks every night!
I can imagine that the updates would be sluggish with a list of 10,000 stocks! I only have about 150 in my list. Interesting how you use price history to calculate your own moving averages. I might try that. I don't understand how you can get candlestick patterns out of it though. I looked at the scanners from the link in a prior post and the "Sort Wizard" seems to be pretty useful, although it is not free. Good luck in finding a solution!
Silvius, If you ever decide to scan that list of 10,000 stocks by eye, let me know so I can go long whatever pharma that makes Vivarin!
I use the QuotesPlus program to do something similar. You can write custom scans on EOD data, then view the output quickly on a daily chart. You can also load a list of all S&P stocks or whatever and scroll through them with a hotkey.