Maybe TAL dumped the alphabetic association idea in favor of keys being user-defined. When I was asked about Alt-Hotkeys, I gave my opinion (bag it) and never heard anything more. I thought the Alt-<key> idea was dead for 7.2. My main objections to the Alt-hotkeys were: 1. The proposal I saw had specific fixed keys assigned to specific hotkey tasks. The assignments were alpha-associated and spread all over the keyboard. 2. The proposed tasks were limited and did not accomplish the order-entry improvement objectives. 3. Alt hotkeys are not ergonomic for anyone with (oddly enough) an ergonomic keyboard. An enhanced set of Ctrl-<key> hotkeys would be much better. Whether a right or left-handed user, with a set of Ctrl-<key> assignments the thumb can rest on the Ctrl with fingers on a row of keys in about normal typing position. (Left hand on right-half keyboard (thumb on right Ctrl); or, Right hand on left-half keyboard (thumb on left Ctrl)). With Alt-keys, the thumb is always folded awkwardly underneath the hand, making action execution difficult. Expect rapid hand fatigue and execution errors. 4. The large OES uses the Alt key for bid/offer configuration of the large route buttons. This presents operational and ergonomic conflicts. Hotkeys of any kind are no solution compared to a keypad. Hotkeys always require two keys and two actions to execute the command, and hotkey location must always conform to a typewriter keyboard not designed for this use. The keyboard numeric keypad might hold some promise, but its adaptation is questionable, and I doubt that it can be used for single-key execution. Neither Ctrl or Alt key can be reached comfortably from the keyboard numeric keypad. Work on your TAL contact will ya? RealTick should have a first-class order entry interface. No more compromises.
Lancer, I have received your email attachments and had a look at it. I will go as far to say that a purpose hardware keypad would be needed. Where assigning specific routes and functions to the layout buttons would require alot of experience/optimization. It would be difficult to push TAL to produce a keypad if there aren't alot of ppl who want or need to use it. It just isn't cost effective for them to serve a few fast fingers of the likes of us. Anyway, have you scouted around your local computer market to see any keypads with enough buttons that may be software configured to support a multiple-key strokes. Say, button A can be configured as actaully 'alt+B' for solely buy. button B can be 'alt+S' for solely sell. button C as 'alt+V' for shortsell. button D for 'enter'. These will be order execution buttons. Other buttons appropriately hotkeyed 'alt+whatever' for routing purposes, uping/downing price, AON/partial, IOC/day/day+/NOW, limit/market and so on. If TAL does not want to produce the hardware keypad. Just make sure they implement software hotkeys for the above. Then you can commission some company to produce an adequate keypad which is software hotkeyable so that a single button push can execute multiple key strokes which represent a hotkey buy/sell/short/route whatever. This is just a fall back, contingency plan. It is feasible I would say as there are alot of gaming keypads made for hardcore gamers that we can use and adapt it for our purpose. It is resourceful yet very practical. You can choose whichever one that you fancy and which above all suit your individual needs. But this is pending on TAL to allow full customization of order actions/routing/etc through multiple key strokes hotkeying. In turn, get yourself one of those gaming keypads and configure each button into a multi keystroke that represents a specific function. And mama mia, you can start jamming in your orders.
Eastboy: You saw the stuff. Jammin' is right! Eventually there will be a dedicated keypad; it's the logical evolution, and it's in the best interests of TAL and the RealTick brokers. With an improved order-entry interface and keypad, aggressive traders can enter more orders. Any participant can be hit in a split second at any time, on any route, including price adjustment; no more missed trades. Lesser-experienced traders can enter orders with more control and confidence. More trades mean more $$$ to the brokers. In addition to the trade volume increase from existing customers, traders using other platforms are likely to switch to RealTick for the order-entry interface that can make them more money. Right now, daytrading brokers are seeing clients disappear. If I owned a brokerage, I'd be very concerned about retaining clients and attracting new ones. I'd want an edge; a killer-app. I'd be on the phone to TAL constantly pushing for an improved OES and keypad to supply clients. More traders mean more TAL data/software subscriptions. Regarding the difficulty of mapping software commands to a keypad device, I looked into it and it's not difficult (says the tech guys). There are many keypad manufacturers with 22-key keypads. TAL could produce a keypad easily and at extremely small cost compared to benefit. It's just a matter of time. The harder more of us push for change, the sooner it will happen. Looking forward to seeing what V7.2 brings this weekend (if on schedule), then it's on to 7.3 (June release) and what we really want.