Really noob quest?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by vastox, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. vastox


    You guys make great points and I guess that Im just really overwhelmed with all the information with all those sites that I go on and intimidated with the prices/fees/deposits from the brokers that I cant really connect all the dots. I guess I'll return to doing some harder research and time at the library, thats kinda corny :D , thanks for the responses
    #11     Dec 26, 2007
  2. Vastox,

    These guys have given you good advice. Read all those books ProfitTakingFool mentioned and then re-read. We have all read those books multiple times. Then read through ET there is alot of info. on here. Make notes and questions along the way and then come back here to post, it will give way to a much more meaningful thread for you and allow you to engage people better. And dont be afraid to use that google toolbar.
    #12     Dec 26, 2007
  3. Vastox,

    As mentioned read the threads, they will help. In the meantime, go to and sign up for paper trading. You can get started with say just futures there for right now and there is no cost for this. Pick one contract type and focus on it, forget everything else so that you can see whats going on. They have good videos on how to use their software and the differing order types which will help you overall. Again this is all free. Stick with just Thinkorswim until you get a handle on the questions to be asking here. There is no one way to do something in this world and each must travel their own path. If I might suggest you have walked into a dense forest and must navigate your own way out, oh yeah, watch out for the trees lest you run into them. LOL.

    If you are serious about trading then you must be prepared to commit to education in terms of $$$ and TIME, most importantly screen time trading (paper trading for now).

    Understand too that many people come here in the past as you have without performing some rudimentary research, these people get tired of answering the same questions over and over, that is why there is a newbie thread mentioned above.

    Good luck in your journey and try not to damage too many trees.


    :) :)
    #13     Dec 27, 2007