Really IB....really? Now you're just throwing branding and marketing at us...even your "pro" users?

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by El_Cubano, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. El_Cubano


    Every single window in my TWS now has branding in the corner "Data Powered by GFIS"

    The stupid branding is throwing off the dimensions of windows and eating up space and serves no damn purpose. I pay for my damn data, I know where it comes from, my wallet. Remove this useless branding PLEASE. Of all the errors and glitches that exist with TWS why are you dedicating ANY time to crap like this?

    tommcginnis, VPhantom, chud and 5 others like this.
  2. I'm using TWS 972.1t and don't see these marketing slogans. Could it be version dependent?
    TradeZero_Billy likes this.
  3. d08


    I also thought it's ridiculous. The "Lite" users get no commissions and what do we get? Some spam on our screen. Thanks a lot.
  4. d08


    It's present in the latest version and I assume will be for all future versions. The screen looked crowded before, now it's ridiculous. This adds absolutely nothing for the client.
  5. ZBZB


    What does GFIS stand for?
    TradeZero_Billy likes this.
  6. IB is brain dead. They have implemented more damn garbage into their system than I or anyone else can comprehend.
    TradeZero_Billy and d08 like this.
  7. And the "IBKR PRO" in the upper righthand corner to mock me and other EU clients who can't get access to Lite.
  8. I don't have either one. Maybe it is just not in the Linux version yet? I know my screen is way too crowded for stuff like that and it would really piss me off.
  9. ktm


    GFIS = Generating Funds Instead of Satisfaction.
    Sig, tommcginnis, tomas262 and 5 others like this.
  10. d08


    It is in the Linux version, I just downloaded TWS today.
    #10     Oct 10, 2019