limit, Those don't work for me. Again, does anyone know why RealTick is using non-standard codes for the contract months? voodoo
I saw a few different codes in the replies here. This is what worked for me: NAS emini: /NQC2 S&P emini: /ESC2
voodoo invest: I've been using HMUZ for the minis for some time on realtick 7.4. I don't know why the other letters work. You do have to pay the exchange fee to get mini quotes. Sorry it was no help.
H M U Z are the standard month codes. When I called up realtick they indicated they use C I P T for the globex traded contract to separate it from the pit traded contract which uses the standard lettering.
I just got Real Tick. I have set up a stock chart that I like. How do I save this chart as my default chart, so when I make more stock charts, I do not have to go back and change every Parameter, color, type of bar, etc.? Thank you.
"I just got Real Tick. I have set up a stock chart that I like. How do I save this chart as my default chart, so when I make more stock charts, I do not have to go back and change every Parameter, color, type of bar, etc.? " "While you have the chart open, Favorites, Add to Favorites, give a name...." ....and make sure the Use As Default box is checked. Then when you need to pull up the chart again, simply click on the Chart Button on the Tool Bar and it will open with the setup you desire. You can either save position or if you check "Set up after Opening", the setup box will pull up and you can enter a new symbol as desired.
Hey folks, Greg Davis from Townsend Analytics will be joining us in the Elite Trader Chat Room on Tuesday, May 20th @ 4:30PM EST as he explains why RealTick is the software platform of choice for institutional traders. You can read more about the chat here. André ET Chat Guy
Andre Can you ask why Realtick has had so many server problems this year? If they want to cater to the institutional crowd they'll need to prove much more reliability and robustness.
Yes, can we please get a straight answer on the server problems. I laughed when I saw it was the "institutional favorite", more slowdowns and outages and it'll put us in an institution, a mental institution. I swear if he says it is my ISP, I will cancel my RT service on the spot. If he would come on and say, business is tough, we've cut costs and that hurt service, then at least I'd believe him.