Real Tick and Sort Wizzard Brokers

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by jj_jere@hotmail, Jan 9, 2002.

  1. Which brokers support Real Tick and Sort Wizzard software?
    Thanks JJ
  2. Magna

    Magna Administrator


    Which brokers support Real Tick and Sort Wizzard software?

    If you go to the source:
    you will find a comprehensive list of vendors/brokers who license the Realtick software.

    Not sure what you mean by brokers "supporting" was my understanding that SortWizard supports and requires the TAL data-feed, thus any broker you go with for your Realtick platform will effectively permit use of the scanning software in conjunction with Realtick. If I am wrong on this, someone please correct me.
  3. Alot of brokerages do not allow on opening orders 'NYSE" .
    Doe's yours? JJ