Reagan: Progressive Taxation Came From Marx

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Just like now in the Fiscal Cliff hashing. "Tax increases RIGHT NOW... we'll work on spending reductions later thingy"

    I guess Republicans don't want to be blamed for the consequences of not getting a deal "on time"...

    All hokum, of course.
    #11     Dec 6, 2012
  2. wjk


    Of course. They fear the critics and the media. I fail to understand why they haven't figured out that they will be blamed regardless of any outcome. Even that ugly giraffe Coulter was hinting at going along with tax increases so the media won't be so hard on them. She offers a perfect example why the establishment is doomed and a civil strife within the party is just over the horizon.
    #12     Dec 6, 2012
  3. exGOPer


    Don't bother with facts, the wingnuts really like everything unskewed. Just drink every time you hear the word Marxist being spouted by these mouth-breathers.
    #13     Dec 6, 2012
  4. Anybody who cares about America's future should abandon the Republicans and join the Libertarians. (DemoCraps don't care about America's future, what's right or what's fair. All they care about is "gimme now".... funny, they might not have ever been that way had not scumbag politicos pandered to them, "vote for me and I'll give you some of somebody else's money". NOW look what we have. The bastards have come to believe they deserve EVERYTHING for free.. at somebody else's expense, of course.)

    #14     Dec 6, 2012