Read every word and believe it.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NTB, Nov 4, 2006.

  1. zEvader isn't required to propose solutions. He is allowed to disparage suggestions from the right without providing alternatives, as he does here. You shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that his posts reflect his opinions; they do not. This is where misunderstanding occurs. zEvader's only aims are to increase his post count and win by losing.
    #11     Nov 5, 2006
  2. More troll Gobbledygook...

    #12     Nov 5, 2006

  3. Thanks for illustrating my point.
    Rather like Z's trolling, there is no point or purpose to it, it exists for no other reason than to propagate itself, using any available means.

    Twisted logic, endless complaining, justifying its behaviour without any concession that the exercise is pointless and stupid from the get-go.

    Religious fanatcism is an end, not a means, it exists solely to justify its ownexistence.

    So far, what are the solutions?
    We have;
    the sea of glass solution..yep, that wont cause any long term problems.

    Diplomacy, and education....that'll work, see my first points on extremism.

    That leaves you with......the interminable warfare solution, simple attrition, which hasnt shown much promise so far.

    Its no wonder covert death squads have been so popular over time.
    less muss, less fuss.
    #13     Nov 5, 2006
  4. Sept. 14, 2006: Al Qaeda declares war on France. France has done everything possible except turn the french government over to Al Qaeda to try to appease them and look what it has gotten France.

    Al Qaeda does not want France to leave them alone in peace, France has been doing that. Al Qaeda wants France's government, resources, wealth, convert all to islam.

    Al Qaeda wants France's NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
    #14     Nov 5, 2006
  5. LOL. Do you really believe that?
    #15     Nov 5, 2006
  6. NTB


    Not really. I think it's a combination of inherently stupid and uneducated people (not just indigenous to the Muslims), charismatic leadership, hopeless conditions, religious fanatacism and scapegoatism.
    #16     Nov 5, 2006
  7. Hardly a new phenomena...

    The "Our belief system is superior to your belief system" is, and has been the cause of most wars and conflict...

    Because it is based on religious dogma, it is especially driven by those who are fanatical in nature, who see everything in a black and white framework, who cannot allow anyone to think differently than they do, who must control the behaviors and belief systems of others...

    Hmmm, sounds like Evangelicals...

    #17     Nov 5, 2006

  8. Look, I was an Islamophobe back when that was considered a bad thing. Trust me, <b>I get it</b>

    ...but this whole thing about Spain's voters surrendering to the terrorists' wishes is absurd. Immediately following the 3/11 bombings, Spain's ruling party decided against discussing the event honestly with the Spanish people. Instead, they chose to take the lying sleazebag route, and pretended to blame it all on Basque separatists. They gambled by going 'all in' on an obvious lie, and lost all their chips. Apparently voters in some countries still mind being lied to by their politicians. Had the Spanish gov't decided not to condescendingly insult the intelligence of every Spanish voter by blaming the wrong group, they'd probably have won those elections instead.


    Oh, bullshit!
    Foreign enemies aren't going to conquer this country and change our laws in our lifetime, and you know it.
    Give me Liberty, or give me Death.
    #18     Nov 5, 2006
  9. Ah... but public humiliation is far <b>worse</b> than death to the typical Muslim Arab man!
    Americans have a lot of trouble understanding that.
    #19     Nov 5, 2006
    #20     Nov 5, 2006