Re: Re: Re: Is harrytrader fr real?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by harrytrader, Mar 21, 2004.

  1. I'm saying that we are in economical domain, I'm saying that as in every economical domain, it's all about cost, benefit, offer and demand. It is so in petroleum field which I have partly drawn my inspiration from - as it was my second engineering school - it is in fact the first field which uses intensively operational research in mathematics to optimise their operations with linear programming matrix of several thousands and more of elements. In stock market it's very different in details but in the principle it's a kind of same thing: a monopolistic domain like in petroleum field.

    Quote from ElectricSavant:

    I actually wish I could understand what you are saying...but my brain may never comprehend....but it sure does sound like the way I want to to learn how to trade....

    Evaluating price and having choices based on probability is where its at baaaaby....

    Michael B.