Ray Dalio breaks down his "Holy Grail" - This is what peak Dalio looks like

Discussion in 'Trading' started by nooby_mcnoob, May 6, 2019.

  1. Though the way I remember the story, it was Bob Prince who had the spreadsheet and said "Hey Ray, look at this" regarding uncorrelated streams.
    fan27 and d08 like this.
  2. Arnie


    That may work in a normal market, but there is no such thing as "non-correlation" when the sh*t hits the fan.
  3. He has a worldwide perspective. He will go to the ends of the earth to find the uncorrelated stuff.
  4. d08


    Correlation increases greatly during meltdowns but there's always something that's uncorrelated. It doesn't have to be a simple instrument.
  5. Arnie


    How about a couple of examples
    OSN_invest likes this.
  6. If I knew that, I wouldn't be jerking off with you guys here.
  7. I agree 100% with him in principle. In practice, the difficulties lie in
    1) I found it is really hard to quantify either return or risk in many cases
    2) Low-correlation vehicle is really hard to find for individual investor/trader

    With that being said, I think the idea is vital especially for the management of a huge fund/portfolio.
  8. Arnie


    He reminds me of Professor Irwin Corey

  9. Right! The trick is really in the details.
  10. ironchef


    Any suggestion where I can look for low-correlation vehicles? In the past, I thought real estates (non REIT) and bond but since 2008-09 not so sure.
    #10     May 6, 2019