Rationality: it can happen

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by rangetrader2012, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. I wish you would talk about this more. You are the first one who turned me on to the difference between free movement of goods, but not the people who make them. It's almost like every country now has there own stable of labor. And no matter what, they can't leave and go to another country that gives them a better deal.
    #11     Nov 10, 2012
  2. If I told a story that started with "Once upon a time..." and included a few very rich, titled people who lived really luxurious lives, who had the freedom to move goods around and the power to restrict movement of people, it would be immediately recognized for what it is - feudalism.

    But somehow changing the titles from "Lord" to "CEO" and from "fiefdom" to "country" apparently completely befuddles peoples minds, and suddenly the exact same situation is viewed as "free trade".
    #12     Nov 10, 2012
  3. Even in the US, something like 75% of people live within 15 miles of where they were born. I hardly think that is the result of some kind of neo-feudalism as represented by laws on crossing national borders. It's a result of the fact that people are lazy.

    Do you really think that people are going to move en masse to follow production facilities wherever they may be located? Autoworkers would move from Ohio to Mexico or China? Heck, most of them didn't even move from Ohio to Alabama when production shifted south. And, if they had, guess what? There were already people in Alabama ready to do those jobs, so the autoworker from Ohio would probably have been lucky to get a job in an Alabama plant, never mind a Mexican or Chinese one, where there are not only people already willing to to do work, but they also speak the language.

    So, it's not that what you are saying is "befuddling", it's "irrelevant".
    #13     Nov 10, 2012
  4. I agree........although this post would best go under "abnormal psychology".
    #14     Nov 10, 2012
  5. keep talking man, I like it. What is that corporation over in China, Foxconn? That makes the i phones. So the workers don't like it and decide they want to move to Iowa. How does that deal work out?
    #15     Nov 10, 2012
  6. maxpi


    F^&k yes.. Karl Marx is correct; The guy with the machines makes the money!! Jobs are going to illegals, automation is doing more and more of the work every day... WIN stands for Work Is Nonprofit!! We have two classes of people nowadays, those that profit from the machines and those that collect welfare. Personally, I'm doing a lot of computer programming, it beats candlelight vigils. Hmm.. actually those candlelight vigils and environment protests are where really undesirably nerdy guys can hook up with really good looking airhead women.. I might be able to squeeze a vigil or two into my busy schedule...
    #16     Nov 10, 2012
  7. Yep, capital won and (most) labor lost. When I work, I work in corporate strategy, supporting C-suite decision-making. That type of labor will be the last to be automated because it requires higher-level thinking and computers just aren't there yet. But, at some point, even my type of job will be automated. Fortunately, my trading algorithm will never be obsolete, so I can always depend on income from that source.
    #17     Nov 10, 2012
  8. ssrrkk


    if that is the case, why is everything made in china nowadays??? if automation is so widespread, why aren't more things made in the USA by robots??? still think labor cost arb is more profitable than automation.
    #18     Nov 10, 2012
  9. Dude, it's not an either/or. It's both.

    The things that went over to China were the sorts of things that could not be made by robots at the time. Believe me, there are going to be millions of unemployed Chinese as the next generation of robots gets rolled out.

    A single robot than can replace 20 workers is going to be worth the investment, regardless of whether they are Chinese or not.

    From where I sit at the top of the labor food chain, all I see is opportunities to put dumber people out of work.
    #19     Nov 10, 2012
  10. Aha, but it wasn't just against the white trash KKK folks now was it. It is pretty much against whites in general, which is were the problem lies. It's an us against them mentality which can split this country right down the center. There can be no super-power USA if this happens.
    #20     Nov 10, 2012