Ratigan Calls Out Obama On Pushing The Big Tarp Lie

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by WallStWhizKid, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. nickdes


    Most people with a ray of sense would understand how bad most politicians are, and especially this obama , he is a terrorist to our constitution, and to many other things. LOL
  2. God Bless Dylan Ratigan... Big Ego and All...

    He has been on this bailout / scam / lie message since October of 2008 and has never stopped shouting about it on whatever show and media whenever he could... He even changed networks to MSNBC when CNBC would not let him keep shouting about it on their dime...

    Go Dylan Go...
  3. lol he's just another useless talking head looking for some shtick to keep him on the air.
  4. He must be using the Stanislavsky method
  5. Nope...

    check out this link... he got in raging arguments with his producers at CNBC and jumped shipped to MSNBC so he could keep shouting this to the rooftops...


    some people are decent... few... but some... Big Ego and All... He is one... so far...

    Keep up the Good Work Dylan...