Rate hike (FOMC), and impending shutdown likely indicates a bear week and new year lows

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Cuddles, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Cuddles


    Your take?
  2. destriero


    All that I know is that I modified a working order with IB, it allowed me to mod the price even though the ticket was filled, hence filling one order, twice. I went into the close long 8K SPX deltas that I don't want.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
  3. bull market, no bear markewt until 2020.

    enjoy the ride!
  4. REDP1800


    I think he raises a qtr point the mkt sells off and then rallies hard.
  5. expected interest rate raise goes through - but I think the market will go up based on language.

    Although I have gotten my head taken off in everything i've touched this year so what do I know :vomit:
  6. southall


    Russell 2000 already in bear market.
    And German DAX.
    vanzandt likes this.
  7. re: bear week and new market lows....

    This has already been discounted for the most part.
    Think ahead for a change.
  8. That's terrible.
    Did you report this anomaly to Interactive ?
  9. destriero


    Yeah, they stated that they'll get back to me tomorrow. Tried to pass it off as a connex-issue (?!)
  10. no,it`s a retrace.
    #10     Dec 18, 2018