Rate cut news

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by arealpissedgoy, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. Fed will cut rates very soon.
  2. or buy commercial paper :p
  3. Bernanke is speaking at 1:30 I believe. Hopefully to announce his resignation.
  4. 12:30, and we should be so lucky.
  5. lmao
  6. Which SOB moved this to chit chat?

    this is relevant news to trading and does not belong here.

    Oh yeah, and fuck you. Whichever mod moved this.

    You are very obviously a loser. yet another fucking Paper trading retard just happens to be mod.

    Don't spend all your money in one place. :D
  7. I feel a lot better knowing federal regulators will be vigilant to halt the slide.
  8. Me too, I was worried they weren't getting it but now I can sleep a lot better.

  9. http://bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aq.Ta5bnl.wU&refer=home

    Fed, ECB, Central Banks Cut Rates in Coordinated Move (Update6)

    I posted this a DAY BEFORE and some half witted retard of a moderator moved it to chit chat

    Fuck you. Yet another wife beating IGNORANT LOSER wannabe-a-trader.
    #10     Oct 8, 2008