Random: Political Musings

Discussion in 'Politics' started by BSAM, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. BSAM


    Hey...You ever have something to say of a political nature, but you can't find exactly the right thread in which to post and you don't care to create a whole new thread?

    Well then, here's where you can quickly post anything political that comes to mind, without having to create a whole new thread, then move on to whatever you need/want to be doing...(trading/working?).

    It may be a word, a sentence or two, or a paragraph or two.
  2. BSAM


    Has the New York Times turned on Obama?
  3. BSAM


    Hey Barack, where were you when the Benghazi attack was happening?
  4. BSAM


    I don't think I will use my phone or email anymore.
    Too dangerous these daze.
    Hi Eric.
    I know you're watching.

    And we are watching you!
  5. pspr


    Hey, Obama. What did you and the IRS director talk about during those 150+ visits?
  6. BSAM


    Time to close the IRS.

    Time to close the NSA.

    Time to scale back the FBI.

    Time to scale back the CIA.
  7. BSAM


    Making plans for the Easter Egg Roll.
    Takes lots of planning, ya know.:D :D :D
  8. pspr


    Baron, have you released any information about any of us to any government agency? Have they asked? How about the Obama campaign?
  9. BSAM


    I'm expecting the IRS to include a question on our tax forms pretty soon, inquiring as to what websites we post on.
  10. BSAM


    If you post on any conservative sites, you will pay a higher tax rate.
    #10     Jun 6, 2013