Rahm Emanuel Wants “Compulsory Service” for Your Kids

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AMT4SWA, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. Now THAT is an insightful comment about me, for sure... I am definitely a dreamer and a bit naive at times... no doubt.... that is what keeps me "young"!

    good call!
    #61     Nov 9, 2008
  2. Obama's First Appointment: An Ominous Portent

    Webster G. Tarpley
    November 9, 2008

    Obama's first appointments have confirmed the grimmest suspicions about the new regime.

    The naming of the vicious thug Rahm Emanuel as the new Martin Bormann of the regime has caused much consternation, even among the netroots or nutroots crowd over at the Daily Kos.

    The naming of the vicious thug Rahm Emanuel as the new Martin Bormann of the regime has caused much consternation, even among the netroots or nutroots crowd over at the Daily Kos. Rahm is a former member of the Israeli Defense Force whose ruling passion is that he is a warmonger. In 2006, when Rahm ran the Democratic congressional money machine, he made sure that only warmongers committed to the open-ended prosecution of the Afghan and Iraq wars could get any Democratic Party financing for their races. Many contests were lost as a result. A tragic case was that of grass-roots antiwar activist Christine Cegelis of Ohio, who was defeated in the Democratic primary by Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran who advocated endless hostilities there. Duckworth lost to the Republican by several points. If the $300,000 Rahm gave Duckworth had been shared with anti-war candidate Bob Bowen in Florida, a Democratic seat could easily have been added. Rahm is also a product of the filthy and corrupt Illinois bipartisan Combine, which I have described in my books.

    A co-chair of the transition team is Valerie Jarrett, who served as Barky's travelling schoolmarm during the campaign. Jarrett also comes from the Daley wing of the Illinois combine. She has provided graft and related support for Michelle Obama's foundation-funded operations. Jarrett is also an integral part of the Chicago housing graft community, a region also inhabited by Barky's original godfather, the convicted felon and thief Tony Rezko. Jarrett is discussed in detail in my Obama biography. She is joined on the transition team by John Podesta, a Clinton-era retread who worked for Sen. Tom Daschle, the senator from Citibank, the biggest employer in South Dakota. Podesta also worked for Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, a close personal friend of Weatherman terrorist bombers Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

    Another Daschle-Citibank retread is transition co-chair Tom Rouse, who was the chief of staff for Daschle when he was the weakest Democratic majority leader in recent memory, surrendering to Bush on point after point. Chief strategist remains David Axelrod of the corrupt Illinois Combine, who was taught his mindbending skills in the infamous "1313" Rockefeller-funded think tank at the University of Chicago.


    Obama's transitional council of economic advisers is also notable. The dominant figures here are all Wall Street derivatives merchants and their quackademic apologists and politician clients. The key people here are plutocrat Warren Buffet, Obama moneybags and Hyatt heiress Penny Pritzker, Goldman Sachs-Citibank alum Robert Rubin, woman-hating thug and failed Harvard president Larry Summers, Google spook Eric Schmidt, and Roger Ferguson, the former vice president of the Federal Reserve board. The most obscene is Trilateral Commission bigwig Paul Adolf Volcker, the bringer of the 22% prime rate of 1981 and the destroyer of the US indsutrial base. What is truly notable about this list is that there is not one single labor leader. No Sweeney of the AFL-CIO, no Hoffa of the Teamsters, no UAW, not even the unsavory Andy Stern of the SIEU, all big Obama backers. Note the difference to the New Deal, when labor reps were indispensable. With Barky, only derivatives monsters and their stooges need apply. Also notable by their absence are leaders of women's groups, small business associations, the congressional black caucus, retirees groups like the AARP there is not even a token face representing any of these groups, all of which have a vital interest in economic policy. Read the ill omens if you have eyes to see. The Obama regime is shaping up as of the bankers, by the bankers, for the bankers. This is not the FDR New Deal this is the Mussolini fascist corporate state.


    We are also told that Barky has been on the phone to foreign leaders about matters of economic. Let us read the tea leaves: whom did Barky call? Here is the list: Australia, the British, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Mexico, and South Korea.

    Notice now who is NOT on the list. Start with the great world powers who have been snubbed: Russia and China, both of whom are bigger holders of US Treasury bonds than most of those who are on the list. Saudi Arabia, who might have needed reassurance that Barky is not a commie, are also snubbed. Forget ideology, and behold the ineptitude. Most glaring of all is the lack of any phone call to a leading third world or developing sector country, other than Mexico, which is a branch of NAFTA. No calls were made to Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Nigeria, Algeria, India or a long list of other leading states. Nobody in Africa, nobody in south Asia, and nobody in South America got a call. Not even those who will be coming to the pseudo-Bretton Woods conference set for Washington later this month. The best we can hope for regarding that conference is that it end in a stalemate, dividing the world between a US-UK dominated derivatives bloc and a Brazil-India- Russia-China-South Africa anti-derivatives bloc interested in real physical commodity production, not fictitious capital.

    Obama, in summation, is acting just like the abject puppet of the Wall Street derivatives merchants and warmongers which we have argued him to be.
    #62     Nov 9, 2008
  3. WTF, did you expect him to hire Cheney and the other Bush scoundrels like Scooter Libby and company?


    You got 4 years of Obama and if he plays his cards right, another 4 more years of that.

    It must really suck donkey dongs to be out of power and sucking hind tit the way republicans are these days.


    for you to choke on.

    #63     Nov 9, 2008
  4. BTW, I voted for Ron Paul!

    The blood of voting for the globalist lead CON JOB two party left/right paradigm, that you and many are trapped in, is all on your hands.......ENJOY! :eek:


    Seems the globalist's have something real big down your throat that you are choking on..........ENJOY, this was YOUR CHOICE!!! :eek: :D
    #64     Nov 9, 2008
  5. Change the Globalists (and ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz) Can Believe In

    Kurt Nimmo
    November 9, 2008

    David Edwards and Andrew McLemore, writing for Raw Story, report on the Clintonite John Podesta, chairman of Obama’s transition team. “The high voter turnout and landslide electoral college victory spell a clear path of American support for Obama’s message of political reform, Podesta told Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Sunday,” report Edwards and McLemore.

    Podesta told Wallace they are “moving aggressively to try to build out that core economic team, the national security team.”

    “I think his charge to us is that he wants a broad diverse cabinet, one that’s built on first criteria excellence,” Podesta said.

    When asked by Wallace what some of Obama’s first decisions might be to prove his dedication to changing Washington, Podesta mentioned that Obama will review all the executive orders issued by President Bush and determine which ones should be repealed.

    The co-chairman said Obama would probably overturn the ban on stem cell research as well as orders concerning healthcare and energy transformation.

    Stem cell research is a pet cause for Democrats, but you will notice there is no word about National Security Presidential Directive 51, allowing the president to declare martial law and trash the Constitution. Naturally, Obama and his globalist bosses will need this so we can expect it to stay. It provides the president with absolute dictatorial power over the government with no checks and balances. Podesta admitted as much when he said: “There’s a lot the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action and I think we’ll see the president do that.”

    “In the battle of political philosophies during this election, the progressive philosophy won, Podesta said.” For Mr. Podesta and the coming Obama administration, flexing “executive authority without waiting for congressional action” is part of the “progressive philosophy,” but then so is the phony GWOT and the lost cause occupation of Afghanistan. Of course, the Democrat controlled Congress will not have any problems with our new Caesar ruling in authoritative manner. He is a kindred spirit.

    Finally, a bit of background on John Podesta is required so we can better understand where we are headed now that Obama has his mandate. Back in 2003 Podesta, along with Harold Ickes, founded what is called the “Heritage of the left,” the American Majority Institute, a 501(c)(3) non-profit “think tank,” or maybe that should be conspiracy tank. Morton Halperin of the Council on Foreign Relations was slated to run the show and George Soros was tagged to provide the lucre.

    Masquerading as a progressive, former Bill Clinton chief of staff Podesta worked as a lobbyist for BP, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, the Swiss pharmaceuticals corporation Novartis International AG, and Wal-Mart.

    Is it possible an operative for the CFR, the death merchants, multinational pharmaceuticals corporations, and slave-mart will deliver “change”?

    Sure it is… and the moon is made of green cheese.
    #65     Nov 9, 2008
  6. Obama Website Scrubs Mandatory Community Service Call

    Paul Joseph Watson
    Prison Planet.com
    Monday, November 10, 2008

    Following a controversy over language that appeared on Barack Obama’s official website suggesting that Americans would be mandated to complete up to 100 hours of community service as part of a national service program, the original text has been memory-holed and replaced with a more sanitized version.

    Despite numerous bloggers picking up on the switch, along with screenshots from before and after proving the language was changed, mesmerized Obama supporters are still claiming that that detractors had invented the language and that the website had not been altered.

    The text from Obama’s change.gov website, which went online shortly after the election result, originally appeared as follows (emphasis mine).

    Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year.

    The text was changed at some point on Friday afternoon/evening to the following (emphasis mine).

    Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free.

    See the two different versions in the following screenshots (click for enlargements).......... http://www.infowars.com/?p=5852
    #66     Nov 10, 2008
  7. Georgia Rep. Issues Warning on National Security Force, Gun Ban

    Kurt Nimmo
    November 10, 2008

    In the wake of Barack Obama’s sweeping victory, at least one Congressman is warning of things to come. Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia has told the Associated Press he considers Obama a dangerous Marxist who may act on his promise to organize a domestic national security force on par with the U.S. military. “That’s exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it’s exactly what the Soviet Union did,” Broun said. “When he’s proposing to have a national security force that’s answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he’s showing me signs of being Marxist.”

    “When [Obama is] proposing to have a national security force that’s answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he’s showing me signs of being Marxist.”

    On July 2 in Colorado Springs, Obama said he intends to double the size of the Peace Corps and nearly quadruple the size of AmeriCorps. In addition, he said it is mandatory the U.S. create “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military. The U.S. Army currently stands at 500,000 troops.

    Last week, Obama’s Office of the President-Elect website announced it would implement a plan designed to “require” citizens to work in community service programs, including senior citizens. In response to criticism of this plan, primarily on the web and blogosphere, the text on the site was reworded and the word “require” was removed.

    “I’m just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism,” said Broun.

    In 1966, for example, the communist leader Mao Zedong mobilized radicalized youth into the Red Guards to attack his political rivals, including his chosen successor, Liu Shaoqi. In addition to burning books, destroying museums, temples, and heritage sites deemed counter-revolutionary, Mao’s youthful Red Guards killed more than 30 million people. The Soviet Union’s Joseph Stalin was notorious for launching purges against his political enemies. Estimates of the number of deaths associated with the Great Purge totaled nearly 2 million, although under Stalin over 23 million people lost their lives, most during the engineered Ukrainian famine.

    Rep. Broun believes an Obama administration may move to ban gun ownership as it builds a national security force.

    As Dave Kopel writes for the Second Amendment Project, “the best testimony to the power of an armed populace is the vigor with which the Warsaw Pact dictatorships enforced gun control. When the Communists took over Bulgaria on September 9, 1944, they immediately confiscated every weapon in private possession.” East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania followed suit. “The dictatorship of Nicolai Ceausescu used registration lists to confiscate all firearms in private hands.” writes Kopel. In Hungary, Laszlo Rajk, the Communist Minister of the Interior, ordered the dissolution of all pistol and hunting clubs, as well as of other organizations which might prove a threat to government power. Ceausescu went so far as to register typewriters.

    In 1938, Hitler enacted the Nazi Weapons Law (Waffengesetz) permitting only Nazis and their friends the right to own and carry weapons, especially handguns. As Joyce Rosenwald explains, the Nazi Weapons Law of March 18, 1938 serves as the blueprint for gun controls laws today in America.

    “We can’t be lulled into complacency,” Broun said. “You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I’m not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I’m saying is there is the potential.”

    According to the Associated Press, Obama has said he respects the Second Amendment right to bear arms and favors “common sense” gun laws. “Gun rights advocates interpret that as meaning he’ll at least enact curbs on ownership of assault weapons and concealed weapons. As an Illinois state lawmaker, Obama supported a ban on semiautomatic weapons and tighter restrictions on firearms generally.”
    #67     Nov 10, 2008
  8. jem


    When a liberal says he he tired of the inferior right wing types because the right wing is inferior because it feels superior...

    I wonder if irony in the liberals logic is lost on all liberals...

    By definition wouldn't liberals have to admit they must be inferior to the right because liberals have a feeling of being superior.

    If you are not catching my reference check out icemans post about the right wing a few posts ago.
    #68     Nov 11, 2008

  9. Just wait until the next issue of the National Review

    It will be in there!
    #69     Nov 11, 2008