Rahm Emanuel Wants “Compulsory Service” for Your Kids

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AMT4SWA, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. Nothing real new here.

    Every older generation never cared much for the younger generation. You can call all people 18-25 lazy/stupid/sophomoric. I'm sure someone said the same thing about your generation.

    You are right about one thing though. Life is very short. So short in fact, that I don't feel the need to waste my time preparing for some bullshit attack that may or may not happen. Especially when the people behind the attack will be the same people who think we need to prepare for it. Does it make sense?

    There are still far too many unanswered questions stemming from 9/11.

    This is a problem that baby boomers created. They can grab an AK-47 and go fight for themselves if they'd like.

    Rahm Emanuel is a Zionist piece of shit, and this is only step one of his agenda.
    #31     Nov 7, 2008
  2. I agree. This is what I'm hoping. By 2011 the program is just kicking in. Right around the time Biden succeeds Obama. Then after Palin wins in 2012 the forces are fully in place. From 2012-2014 these young lads can prepare for American domestic defense by using the NYT, NBC and the Federal Reserve as target practice. Just to get the kinks out. Sounds like a few of them may need to guard Mormon churches too. Shoot on site any adult male protester wearing a diaper or thong.....
    #32     Nov 7, 2008
  3. Kids may have to sacrifice their spring break beer chugging riots for feeding some third world 2 year old. Forced character building ...not as if it weren't overdue. Youth culture is getting
    a little over indulgent and self absorbed. Ever watch one of those shows where they put them all in some mansion and have them at each other ...hard to watch, esp. the females.
    #33     Nov 7, 2008
  4. jem


    Hey - conservatives think of themselves as rugged individualists. Many conservatives think liberals are soft and probably. We probably think a little time in some sort of boot camp would be good for todays video game playing youth.

    But unless our country can't protect ourselves with a volunteer army, I do not see how we can be in favor of destroying liberties. choose.

    You libs are against telling a women what to do with her uterus. Now you are going tell her what to do with her whole body? You all just seem so full of shit to me right now.

    You are in favor of arbitrarily destroying someones fundamental rights to privacy and freedom?
    #34     Nov 7, 2008
  5. "We have been given freely the gift of citizenship"

    last I checked, they're getting their citizenship for 10 trillion dollars, not free

    they're going to be serving their country for their whole lives wither paying off a mountain of debt, or drafted into wars from our WorldCop-tm role

    unbelievable arrogance from a baby boomer like Emaneul to suggest that they need to do more than they're already conscripted to

    "forextrades" said "Rahm Emanuel is a Zionist piece of shit, and this is only step one of his agenda"

    damn right he is, his father was an actual Israeli zionist militant
    #35     Nov 7, 2008
  6. you're a pin head if you extrapolate reality tv to reality
    #36     Nov 7, 2008
  7. Nothing is wrong with helping someone, if i choose to do it sir!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't force me to do the work you wouldn't do! the same goes for spreading "MY WEALTH AROUND" not theirs', but mine. our beloved VP paid 3500 bucks to charities after he made 2.5+ millions. Relatively speaking, i paid more than that in used shoes alone!!!! Our country is going to change alright:( I really hope we survive this, i really hope obama governs with wisdom and bi-partisanship, it doesn't look like it after putting Rahm in charge <highly partisan and selfish>.....
    #37     Nov 7, 2008
  8. Lots of whiners. I guess right-wingers are showing their true weak and cowardly colors when it comes to having to compromise or have faith in other people! Hey bro... when you were growing up did mommie tell you that you would always get your way?? ! Ahhh... sorry..... it's so tough that this time you didn't get exactly what you wanted.

    Thank God Palin didn't make it... she was totally unquailifed. I would say that regardless of party. But of course you probably didn't post one honest honorable thing about that selection as candidate for VP next to a 72 year old man! But your worried about a highly comeptent and intelligent man becasue he is what... Jewish!

    Hey you know what... this anti-semitism thingy is getting old in the 21st fucking century! Find something else to complain about or else get out there and make a difference in the world before you judge others so harshly... who actually made something out of their life!
    #38     Nov 7, 2008
  9. thinking about the idea, it sounds really good. our stupid kids need to learn responsibility and toughen up a little. Now, what worries me is the power you give the government. the government will always abuse the power given to them by the people. And once you open that window of " mandatory enlistment", where does it stop? what prevents the government from changing it from 3 months to .....hmmmm...... 3 years? 9 years ago, I came from a socialist country who adopted the same idea, guess what, last time i checked they're still a third world country who runs its people like a bunch of sheep. Unfortunately, people in the country i fled to think it would be a good idea to adopt the same policies. Some people don't appreciate what's available till it becomes unavailable:( Aside from politics and your potentially blind support to a candidate, think about it.
    #39     Nov 7, 2008
  10. First, we have the personality cult around the charismatic leader. Then, his political opponents are savagely attacked by a supposedly independent media. Next, any ordinary citizen who embarrasses the great leader is subjected to a fullscale assault by the media and various levels of government. Now, once free citizens are forced into compulsory "service" for the good of the homeland.

    Anyone see a pattern here?
    #40     Nov 7, 2008