Rahm Emanuel Wants “Compulsory Service” for Your Kids

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AMT4SWA, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. Does Canada have compulsory service?
    #11     Nov 7, 2008
  2. No. But if it were proposed, I would support it. And if I were in that age group, I would gladly have participated. It's not a major commitment, and collectively it can do some serious good for the country and its residents. (Remember McCain's campaign slogan? "Country First." Well, there you go.) This stuff builds character, and most of us could use a bit more. You're no exception.
    #12     Nov 7, 2008
  3. I'm 23 years old. I just graduated from a Big 10 school last year with an engineering degree. I now have a pretty good job and I just bought a house. But I would be expected to just drop everything for a few months so that I can plant some flowers and help old ladies cross the street?

    I thought volunteer work was supposed to be voluntary. If I wanted to do this, I would have became an eagle scout.

    Obviously, there's something more sinister at work here. Always question the consensus reality. Why would I have to learn what to do in the event of a biochemical, nuclear or conventional attack unless an attack like that is in the works?

    If there is a biochemical, nuclear or conventional attack on US soil, you can bet the farm that the US government is behind it. Not some fucking raghead from Mecca.
    #13     Nov 7, 2008
  4. You're aware that there is a "war on terror" going on, and that your country was attacked by terrorists? And that your current president believes your country will be attacked again? You're an engineer. Do you believe in preparation or winging it? Can the professional emergency response people reasonably be expected to be everywhere that help may be required in the event of multiple incidents?

    Should a catastrophic event occur, would it be better that the country's youth play a useful role in helping to contain it to the extent that it reasonably can, or that otherwise potentially capable people run around in panic like chickens with no head? Do you want your country to be as best prepared as it can be in the event of a natural or man-made crisis? To the extent that you believe national security is a serious issue, how can you in good conscience criticize this initiative?

    Further, it is not only about emergency preparation. It has to do with the community where you live and strengthening the fabric of that community. A country is only as good as the sum of its parts. What's wrong with making your part a little better?
    #14     Nov 7, 2008
  5. Todays kids need it look at our american children today.. Our country was much better when men were men and served.

    America is becoming soft, look at American children today.


    #15     Nov 7, 2008
  6. The republican party, the party of self centered, supposed patriotism.

    What a sham.

    Soldiers who volunteer are held in high esteem who fight and die in Iraq.

    Soldiers who were drafted to fight and die in Vietnam and in other wars are held up as heroes.

    Asking that young men and women give back to their country in appreciation of all that have gone before them, giving their life and time to make America great is called wicked and evil by the so called party of country and family values.

    If Ronald Reagan had done the same thing Obama has suggested, it would have been heralded as a great act of patriotism...a call to service for the greatness of America to come together and help each other, learn civic duty at an early age.

    What partisan bullshit we get from the staunch right wingers who secretly hate America, hate serving America, hate helping America...

    and this from the party who claims to follow Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ's teachings, the original leader of people helping their neighbors.
    #16     Nov 7, 2008
  7. Without a doubt.
    #17     Nov 7, 2008
  8. jem


    zzz - mr. oh know the fascists are coming....

    did you really have a concern about Bush's assault on your rights or were you just being partisan?

    What if Bush had proposed this idea?
    #18     Nov 7, 2008
  9. I would have been shocked if Mr. Bush had done anything to inspire today's youth toward making our country stronger.

    Bush pushed his own faith based agendas, there is nothing faith based in this plan by Obama.

    It is about making America stronger, not about making some particular religion stronger in America.

    #19     Nov 7, 2008
  10. Bring back the old days. Civil preparedness was crouching under our desk. Building a bomb shelter in the back yard. Making a geiger counter from radio shack.
    #20     Nov 7, 2008