Rahm Emanuel resignation will happen sometime in Dec. Taped by prosecutors.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wilburbear, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. ak15


    "More than three of four Americans, including a majority of Republicans, approve of the job Obama has done so far — broad-based support he'll need as he faces tough decisions ahead."

    You've got to make allowances for the KKK, bible zealots, uneducated high school dropouts, Limbaugh dittoheads and last but not least the ubiquitous message board troll who knows it all and can never be wrong.(Arm-chair quarterbacking being his/her forte). All the above, needless to say, are in copious supply at ET.
    #21     Dec 15, 2008
  2. obama done so far??????

    .....he approved the bank THEFT bailout failure and then picked some members to be in his administration (some of which are now under investigation....LOL).

    He has not done much of anything yet????? :D
    #22     Dec 15, 2008
  3. ........ right after someone bitch slaps you into oblivion you f-king loser with your unsupported opinions that are no different than assholes.

    First.......... get some proof a-wipe before you go around defaming everyone like most paranoid message board trolls..... since they and you usually have no life! Let's see the proof that anyone associated with Obama did anything wrong (besides the IL governor who is not associated directly with Obama in this case) ! THEN post your disappointment and criticism, loser!

    You maniacs make me vomit!

    #23     Dec 15, 2008
  4. OK! Your panties are all in a bunch. Take a breath, or one of your happy pills. There now, it's all better.
    The "proof" has already been through the shredder. The only proof left is to be found in what they're not saying.
    Why is the Obama team so afraid to admit they had some casual conversation about who they'd like to see on a short list? That would be expected, UNLESS there was some arm twisting by the self proclaimed arm twister, Emanuel.
    Obama is smart enough to make his wishes clear with a wink and a nod and his hacks know just what that means.
    The problem I have with this issue is not that it happened. It's expected! It's that Obama and his crew are pretending to be something other than the everyday, run of the mill political hacks that they are, and the MSM right there in bed with them.
    Let's just cut through the bullshit, engage in the slightest bit of intellectual honesty, and all admit Obama and his crew are no different than their predecessors going back several administrations. Your boy ain't all that clean and you should come clean about that.
    #24     Dec 15, 2008
  5. TT1


    Obama is a f ing loser, right along with all the other f ing losers from Chicago politics. Obama's associations with Wright, Pfleger, Ayers, Jesse Jackson Clan, Blogo, Resko.... the list goes on and on....!!! Not to mention adding all those Clinton Admn idiots back into the White House!!!

    Way to go Obama, new kind of politics ehh? Change?

    It will be 4 and out for Obama!
    #25     Dec 15, 2008
  6. This guy gave our new President a BJ in the back of a limo.

    Obama's supposed to be sensitive to those who are discriminated against - but then he jilted the guy and never looked back.

    #26     Dec 15, 2008

  7. BUMP!!!!!!!
    #27     Dec 16, 2008
  8. I'll bite, idiot.

    If I were polled I'd possibly respond positively to Obama's Prez-elect conduct. Just the same no-he's the same bullshit.

    Iraq positioned Obama left of hawk Hillary and just how bona fide is his commitment to global peace? Three yes for War Senators serving as Heartbeat Away, Secretary of State and Health Care czar. Not to mention Bush appointee Gates. I predicted early: Anyone who thinks Obama isn't going to be a war us out of recession old school Dem will be dearly disappointed. Being in opposition to the war in Iraq is hardly a pre-req for opposing a massive confrontation with Pakistan. Neo-cons are as prevalent in the Obama administration as they were in Bush's.

    His economic team is anti-change as well. Hell if it weren't for Citi's mismanaged implosion I'd expect Bob Rubin would've been back in a huge policy role. It'll be Clinton/Bush inflation policy redux-especially if we enter a war economy. Ah, the Vietnam years. Does no one view the President of the New York Fed as complicit in the death of several Prime Dealers of U.S. Treasury securities? BSC, LEH and MER weren't on the radar? Geithner's strength is management? No he's there to push the Bernanke money pump. Look at Gold futures.

    As a Chicagoan I'm not as outraged as others by corruption but this Blagojevich stuff is bad for Obama in one VERY big way. Rezko. Blagojevich was wiretapped based on information from Rezko. It's common knowledge in Chicago that Rezko has been cooperating since his conviction. Since Rezko stuff is ultimately the only indictable issue with Blagojevich-his statements about "selling" the Seat weren't in themselves illegal-any criminal trial with Rezko testifying is sure to be damaging to Obama. If not for Blagojevich Rezko would be quietly serving his time with his close friend as President. Things could be worse. Instead he'll be in the headlines again and all the talk about the queer house deal will come back. That deal may not stand the test of revisited time either. What I and most people didn't know until recently is that the "10 foot" strip of land sold back to Obama was just big enough to prohibit any construction on the remaining Rezko portion. Meaning Obama got a huge backyard on the cheap. That ain't going to pass the smell test.

    #28     Dec 16, 2008
  9. The web gets a little more tangled everyday. Now we find that old Rahm Drama has had 21 phone conversations with Gov. Blago regarding the senate appointment. We also find that Obama literally ran Blago's 2002 campaign, and heavily supported him in 06. Yet he, Obama, pretends he barely knew the guy.
    Like I stated previously, this will cover up will rival Watergate. Of course the obviously biased press with turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the whole thing.
    #29     Dec 17, 2008
  10. There is a precedent for incoming administrations to FIRE all Federal District Attorneys.

    Clinton did because of Whitewater and Dan Lassiter.

    I think Bush did it too or almost all.

    You know Barry's Clintonistas are telling him to fire them all.

    If they do fire them all you will see the Clinton spin machine, I mean Barry spin machine, operating at full bore in cahoots with the world's biggest whore house which is of course is referred to here in cyberspace as the MSM.
    #30     Dec 17, 2008