Radar Screen

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Commisso, Mar 29, 2001.

  1. Commisso

    Commisso Guest

    Anybody out there using or have used radar screen.
    Haven't had that much time to play with it, but with the little amount of time I did I think I may have been confused a little with the purpose of the software. I thought that it was a market screening tool, in other words I can give it variables such as 1)50% above average daily volume 2)largest range of prior 9 sessions 3)adx greater than or equal to 30 etc etc etc and then it would scan the market and spit me out the results. For anybody versed in the program can you please tell me what u use it for and if I am able to run scans such as the one above.
  2. Commisso

    Commisso Guest

    radar screen, radar screen, radar screen, radar screen
    anybody radar screen anybody?????????????????????????
  3. yk



    It is a market screening tool.
    It can probably do all those things you want it to and more, if you can write the code to make it do that. But the only thing I have a problem with is that it will only screen against the stocks you currently have on your Global Server.


  4. Commisso

    Commisso Guest

    I've been playing with it and some of the capabilites are very powerful indeed, but unfortunately i'm not that well versed in easy language so I suppose it will take me a while until I will realize the wholepower.

    The realtime sorting feature is an incredible feature;
    To be able to sort and rank in realtime based on technical indicators is phenomenal. With a click I will be able to tell the softeware to give me all the stocks on the wl with 30min 14 bar ADX > than 30 in order to find the strongest trends of say the last 5 hours. I also would love to be able to sit in front of the radar and be able to see immidiately what stocks on the wl are showing a 3 period RSI reading above say 70 and still below the 20day....I go on and on in my head but getting it to perform the tasks I want it to will take some time and practice. I wonder if there are some traders/programmers that would write the code for a fee.

    I suspect this will have been a great investment and powerful weapon in the arsenal......

  5. WarEagle

    WarEagle Moderator


    Pick up a copy of Futures magazine or Tech. Analysis of Stocks and Commodities and you will find several ads in the classifieds for EasyLanguage programmers. I'm sure they can do what you need, but its worth learning it yourself so that as you develop new ideas you won't have to keep forking up money to a programmer. I have only used it sparingly so I haven't become proficient myself yet, but what I've learned wasn't very difficult, and I've never done any programming before.


  6. Commisso

    Commisso Guest

    War Eagle thanx for the reply,

    Thanx for the heads up I am goint to have to do just that.

    It would be great to take the time and learn the programming myself, but the fact is I just spent about 1,500 to 2,000 hours programming a db (trade journal/performance tracker) in approach and to be honest I need some free time, so I think I may just look to hire somebody that is very proficient with the language and make a capital investment vs. a time investment in the business.

    Thanx again for the reply, PEACE COMMISSO
  7. WarEagle

    WarEagle Moderator


    Ouch, that's a lot of good golf time spent programming! I agree, that if it costs you money to be programming instead of trading (or golfing for that matter, lol) then you should outsource it. But to create the scans you are looking for shouldn't take anywhere near 1000 hours with EasyLanguage...if it does make sure you are paying the programmer on a job basis and not hourly!

    Good luck with it,

  8. Anybody care to point me in the direction of this "Radar Screen" Where can I find more info?
  9. tntneo

    tntneo Moderator