Racism is White America’s HIV

Discussion in 'Politics' started by dbphoenix, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Lucrum


    I hope you mean the constitutional amendment that eliminated slavery. There was a collective groan across the Union ranks after the emancipation proclamation. Simply because most were not fighting for the slaves freedom, they were fighting to restore the union.
    #121     Aug 20, 2014
  2. Well of course a good many yanks hated blacks, and a good many that didn't, hated the thought of them having freedom.

    Point being , the moral voice of reason was the prevailing voice in the war and emancipation- regardless of the so called "rights" lawyers like Lincoln thought the constitution gave people.

    Lincoln was as middle of the road as it got. He got a great many votes by saying, "Hey, I don't want to take your niggers away from you." But he also let abolitionists know that he wouldn't stand in their way either.

    Lincoln definitely wasn't the great moral leader that ended slavery- the people were.

    It's a scar on our race, and an unhealed wound that many still carry today, passed down from kin to kin.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
    #122     Aug 20, 2014

  3. But Lincoln wasn't responsible for 600,000+ lives either. He was just a good politician like all the Pres'z.

    The reason all those people died was because the southern states wanted to secede, which hopefully all have learned by now, just ain't gonna happen.

    Let's imagine Texas as an example again-

    If we let texas secede, they'd probably either eradicate Mexicans, or they'd pass laws that said they could work for $2/hr...

    They might try to take back some of Mexico, or bomb the shit out of them if they didn't pay some kind of hefty border tax...

    Any indigenous people hovering in their desert confines would likely lose their casino rights...

    Goat fuckin would be a sport...

    Oh hell no, we can't go trustin no fuckin texians to run no goddamn country...

    wait a minute, I guess we have done it before. :D
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
    #123     Aug 21, 2014
  4. Well I haven't followed all of his content, but if he's crying "Racism!" or "Fascism!", he's not the only one in here. :rolleyes:
    #124     Aug 21, 2014
  5. No, I don't believe racism to be the white man's HIV.

    Their's nothing wrong with racism, if you take it for what it is.

    I'm a racist.

    Blacks can on average run a little faster and jump a little higher than white people.

    Environment adds attributes which work for those particular environments, but not necessarily for others.

    The blacks that were used primarily in the slave trade- they were not the same complexion or same race as the people who built the pyramids.

    They were blacks primarily from middle Africa, a race of nomads and gatherers.

    They had no desire to take over the world, for all that they needed was already before them.

    Shelter was not as crucial to survival as much as patience to wait for the next rain.

    For eons, millions of years perhaps, the savannas and the jungles were their home.

    They had no reason think that life was any different elsewhere, as they had crossed many expanses before just as the elephants and buffalo had looking for drinking water and food.

    Often they were eaten by lions and hyenas, or died from microbes in the drinking pools.

    But, as life was difficult, and tribes moved on- some made it to the oceans, and others followed the rivers to the seas, where the environment was quite different from their homeland.

    And so, attributes that worked well in the savannas such as lying in the mud, waiting for the next rain, no longer were needed in these new lands.

    Now, with the abundance of fresh water, farming and agriculture became the staple way of life.

    And for thousands of generations, attributes which complimented that way of living were ingrained into the genetics.

    They were similar in some physical aspects to their savanna cousins, but now bred with a mind toward industry and production.

    Ingenuity began to take hold and this attribute lead to a smarter, and more powerful people than those of middle Africa.

    Better weapons, stronger shelter, more sophisticated clothing, mechanized transportation and an ever growing vocabulary to match their ever growing technologies.

    Perhaps they had already implemented the idea of slavery, or indentured service from their southern cousins of the savannas and jungles.

    These were great monument builders.

    But the nomadic way of life was still deeply ingrained within this new people, and they had acquired the confidence to explore the vast oceans and mountain passes.

    Once through the great mountainous divide, the environment took on something entirely different from both the savannas and the deltas and the seas.

    In this bitterly cold environment, the importance of ingenuity had reached a pinnacle.

    For these people to survive the harsh climate, they would need to take advantage of every possible aspect.

    To survive in such a terrain, they would have to work extremely hard in the warmer summer months, in preparation of the great freeze that was to overtake them in the long winters.

    They were not deterred, however, as they had brought with them many technologies given to them from their previous homelands.

    They wielded powerful weapons.

    They had been given the mastery of fire and industry.

    But soon they would master more than just the elements, land, oceans, and animals.

    They would master the race of cousins from the homeland whence they came.

    But with all this intelligence; and all of their superior technologies- there was still a great void.

    And this void was so great it couldn't be seen, so they just ignored it and lived within it, completely unaware of its presence at all.

    This void is known today as Ignorance.

    Ignorance is the disease which has caused many a great civilization to fall.

    And Ignorance was a precursor to Arrogance.

    Arrogance was to ignore what had been given.

    Arrogance was to ignore what can be taken.

    Arrogance was to claim for them selves all that had been shared by their ancestors, the earth, Universe and God.

    Now, after all those eons of divide, and being forced against their will to give up their mastery of their savanna cousins- they still ignore the gifts in which they were given.

    They ignore the attributes of their emancipated cousins, refusing to acknowledge that eons of time and environmental changes have caused a physical and mental divide from their distant relatives.

    They ignore that it was they who gave birth to the African American, and brought such a delicate creature into the world as a means to ascertain a crutch for them selves.

    They ignore the fact that after giving birth to the baby which they abused and treated as an animal, they soon abandoned it to fend for itself in the industrial wilderness that america still is.

    Arrogance to complain about the orphan bastard that now plagues their streets, still trying to find a home in the American wasteland.

    Ignorance and Arrogance, both precursors to Shame and Disgrace.

    And God forgives us all.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
    #125     Aug 21, 2014
    dbphoenix likes this.
  6. dbphoenix


    Sounds like somebody's been reading The Story of Civilization.

    What with the talk of WWIII and the Masons and the New World Order, we seem to be entering the tinfoil hat phase, but all that aside, there does seem to be a recurring theme here that the white man has done everything humanly possible for the negro. He's fed him, clothed him, sheltered him, provided him with the best schools, the best teachers, the most up-to-date materials, the best jobs and so on and yet the negro is so ungrateful. The niggers are so congenitally lazy and shiftless that all they want to do is sit on the stoop, smoking weed, or cruise around randomly shooting their own kind (or whoever's available), or pillaging and looting whatever happens to be handy. Not only that, they get all upset when we shoot them in cold blood. We've done everything we can do make the niggers happy and yet it's not enough.

    Ignorance of a different sort, and arrogance, too, with the added element of stupidity.​
    #126     Aug 21, 2014
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Yeah, your commentary is full of that, alright.
    #127     Aug 21, 2014

  8. My book reading phase was long ago, and as I haven't read a book from cover to cover in decades, I have doubts that I ever will again.

    I also have doubts that some who have read my last post, has learned anything they hadn't already known since pre-high school.

    But, as arrogance has been deeply ingrained into the white man's genetics, this trait will allow them to continue in their ignorance, only this time it's different from their ignorance of the past.

    This time, they've been given the chance to accept the truth, but as their fate would have it- they've already shown they can not over come such a powerful genetic trait as arrogance, and of course- they will continue to ignore the truth, as it's laid out before them.

    A far worse calamity, but a an undeniable reality.

    #128     Aug 21, 2014
  9. This is true for some, but for the reformed republicans- the ones who stopped listening to their grandfathers' history lessons, and began to discover the truth; their POV may read something more like this:

    "The American Civil War had far less more to do with slavery than what we're taught/led to believe."

    You see, many others have been convinced from an early age on that the Civil War had categorically NOTHING to do with slavery- Fhl has already given us a prime example of that type of mentality. ^^^

    Many believe their grandfathers' lessons about how it was Lincoln's war, and that Lincoln had an agenda to take the south down.

    I think it's safe to say that most scholars would almost unanimously agree that Bush was far more intent on going to war in Iraq than Lincoln was in the south.

    The war had already been emanating for decades before Lincoln took office, and he very much was stuck in the middle of a conflict he had no interest in resolving.

    But this war was going to happen, with or without ol' honest Abe.

    It was long past time for those changes, and the southern rebels just weren't willing to budge on their traditional beliefs- just like the one's of today who wish to secede and remain in their ignorant ways.
    #129     Aug 21, 2014
  10. fhl


    You live in some kind of a dream world where the facts are nothing more than what you want to believe, therefore it must be a fact.

    Didn't you even glance at Lincoln's first inauguration, where he stated without any reservation whatsoever, that the ONLY REASON HE WOULD EVER INVADE THE SOUTH WAS TO COLLECT THE TAXES. AND FURTHER THAT HE HAD NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER WITH LETTING SLAVERY CONTINUE?

    You are rapidly approaching libtard ignore status.
    #130     Aug 21, 2014