Racism can't halt Indian takeovers

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Yuvrajjj, Dec 15, 2007.

  1. TGM




    Stay away from 100 year predictions. NO ONE HAS EVER GOTTEN ONE CORRECT.

    Trust me any time any one (especially traders) start making 100 year predictions on populations etc. RUN!

    If anything you just cursed the Indians. Where will they all go? Who will let all these Indians into their country? You are only going to get so many in London and Silicon Valley??
    #41     Dec 16, 2007
  2. That's the problem nowadays. People are just commodities. Look India has over 1 billion people. However, only over 200 million of them can actually meet the demand hoped for by the Western companies trying to sell to India.

    With population growth comes further infrastructure problems. Ask anyone who lives in Mumbai, how long it takes to get from the southern side of the City to the northern tip of it? Ask them how they are displacing the shanty town dwellers from the sides of railways, so that they can add more railway lines. Where will all these people go?

    Remember population growth is never a good thing if it is unsustainable. Another classic mistake of making economic growth projections based on population growth.

    By 2100 I'll probably be dead but will have 27 grand and great grand children (maybe who knows!)...so what does that mean? Does that mean that economists are sitting there going "Shit we must cater for them!". Not at all...for all they know, I might die tomorrow (hope not!) and not have any of those following me.
    #42     Dec 16, 2007
  3. TGM


    They don't really care. It is just the World is becoming very tribal. Indian companies do not hire Western People in India etc etc. This is the argument. Partially true. But even more true is that the Self Hating White Baby Boomers do not support their own! But that will change and maybe quickly change. Western People (White people for all the dimwits) are spread out over the planet. There is no central voice for their concerns. Anytime you have an expansion in anything (from people to business) there is always an consolidation. Just common sense. We are on the eve of the great --"Western Consolidation".

    Sooner or later someone is going to claim the best and brightest of the West and bring them under one roof. With modern travel--------heads could spin at how fast this could happen. Not to mention the massive debt and social engineering ---the little so-called Anglos---will be loyal to whoever shows them loyalty first.

    Here is a prediction for you. Look for Anglosphere to be a looser and a Russian German Axis to suck in the best and brightest from all over the West---like overnight. Be an investor in whoever hits the trigger first.

    Can you imagine Tony Blair having to make a case for the young whites to stay in England? Never happen. They will gone.

    They should have prepared for this by creating some Dubais and Singapores out of these massive tracks of land. Now this will create LOTS of instability.

    You think this little brush up between Russia and the US/Britain is not over them worrying about this------you got another thing coming.
    A Russian-German Axis that claims itself as the new center for Western People---and sucks America and everywhere else dry of their genetic/technological capital! LOL ---there you go

    Don't think it can't happen------everyone said that America could never do it and we did twice. First with immigration from Europe in two waves and then sucked Germany dry after WW2. Don't think it can't happen again.
    #43     Dec 16, 2007
  4. It's inevitable that India and China are going to buy a large part of the North American businesses. A study of demographics will show that the generation coming after the baby boom generation is too small to look after the boomers in their old age and buy all their equities.

    North Americans may not like having to sell out to foreigners but the alternative is to watch the value of their retirement portfolio collapse while they look after themselves in old age. India and China will supply the boomers with the goods they need in retirement in exchange for the equities that they have in their retirement funds.
    #44     Dec 16, 2007
  5. Retired


    Pakis and Indians at each other's throats is the best outcome envisioned by the British lords after they left the sub-continent.

    Having subdivided the sub-continent, watching them fighting each other will no doubt provide a nice bit of schadenfreude.
    #45     Dec 16, 2007
  6. Just try asking people around you how many of them (the natives) accept you as an AMERICAN, yeah you shameless wretch mebbe you're enjoying your life as a PARASITE ;-)

    & does papa goyal knows where mama goyal is right now you walking asshole.
    #46     Dec 16, 2007
  7. Hahahaha!

    We deal with India, because corporate executives FORCE you to. A lot of bonuses & executive jobs depend on offshoring to India, no matter the consequences.

    People are so clueless to the backlash Indian IT has been getting for years & years. All complaints, from employees to clients fall on deaf ears.

    You don't need to offshore to another country to save money via degradation of quality. That can be done right here.
    #47     Dec 16, 2007
  8. Steve cool it dude.

    India has developed a culture long before dark people developed a white skin in Europe.

    Caste was a system to keep every one employed and this was initated about 1000 - 2000 years back or earlier, which I tend to think has outlived its usefulness. Some people got the stiff end of the stick with this system, but humans being humans, the aggressive tend to oppress the weak. Just to relate to your white world, its like wiping the native indians off the map and taking over their land in a free & enterprising world back from 1400's. You know the agressive & victorious make the rules etc.. Does that ring a bell? And whats Thanksgiving any way? Thanking whom and for what?

    While I tend to think that not all whites are racist but a few people like you do not have the patience to deal with a world that has a long history in values, meaning, tradition etc.
    #48     Dec 16, 2007
  9. That's already happening, so no need to sell out to foreigners. China has already been trying to buy US industry, they were blocked on anything major. They can only do it through a U.S. financial entity, like Blackstone.
    #49     Dec 16, 2007
  10. Joab


    This post signifies exactly what's wrong with the world these days.

    I'm an Italian, Irish, Jew that was brought up in a middle class suburb and my best friends are black, asian and another jew.

    Thinking like this only infuriates me.

    Rather then CRYING poor me little black boy or jew or mick .... my grand daddy was a slave and I hate you all now.

    Why not say fuck you and act as if the world owes you nothing and just go out and make a LIFE for yourself rather then being a whinny bitch?

    Sheesh leave the past in the past folks and stop making excuses for your failures, it's 2007 not 1950, grow up.
    #50     Dec 16, 2007