
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pa(b)st Prime, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. I say educated but do not mean a degree. More educated about the importance of choosing a man who can be more than good sex, and a provider to work, like she works. Everyone wants good sex, not just black people. If uneducated about consequences of financial burden of children born when the man is not helping to provide, than she chooses just for sex.
    #51     Jun 22, 2008
  2. More educated about the importance of choosing a man

    How are they going to learn this without a father, from the jaded eye of grandma or a part time single mother?
    #52     Jun 22, 2008
  3. That is the problem. Sometimes no example to learn from, and the chldren grow up only to do what they have seen. So this proves that it is not race that is the problem, it is learned. Some people think it is the race that makes the problem nutmeg. But it is the learned behavior.
    #53     Jun 22, 2008
  4. So this proves that it is not race that is the problem, it is learned

    Agree. To further confirm this (and amuse myself) I always ask kids "Who is the smartest person you know?"

    Their answer will clue you in on their outlook on life. The answers seldom suprise me. Many times they have no answer, when this is the case, I always tell them "it is me". Then I challenge them to ask me anything.

    Most recently I asked this question to a 14 yo girl. She said "Hmmnn, that is a good question, I don't know" When I told her I am the smartest person she now knows and asked her to "ask me anything", she asked me if I thought she was fat. I told her she eats too much but no, "your not fat". oh yoi yoi. :D
    #54     Jun 22, 2008
  5. :D If she is smart she will see you as smart enough to not be hurtful and say she is fat, but give her warning of being fat by eating too much.
    Then she will LEARN from you, and not be fat because someone said her race is what makes her fat p
    #55     Jun 22, 2008
  6. Vista


    A sincere question: Why throughout world history has the black race/culture been so unsuccessful compared to white and asian races? I have heard a very good theory, but would like to hear others. By the way, no plans to vacation in Haiti anytime soon.

    #56     Jun 22, 2008
  7. Vista


    For those of you who like to misuse the word racist, consider that some people, like myself, when asking sincere questions about real-life issues, actually believe in the "Out of Africa" model which essentially makes the word racist academic.

    #57     Jun 22, 2008
  8. Why throughout world history has the black race/culture been so unsuccessful compared to white and asian races?


    Perhaps the whites and the Asians set the standards. Or My father, the Chief of Zimbamboo brought home one coconut every day (renowned gatherer) while I brought home two, this makes me twice the man. (I could be an outcast or revered).
    #58     Jun 22, 2008
  9. You are saying it is not race, but how far a people have evolved with genes? I am not an educated person to debate you, I just want to understand the link you gave.
    #59     Jun 22, 2008
  10. Imperialism.

    Being conquerered is not always a bad thing. For example, the European States were very backward relatively late in history. The Romans, and then the Moors brought them civilization.

    Sub-Saharan Africa had no such luck, early on. Formidable natural barriers and disease prevented visitors from getting too far. Isolation brings stagnation, as the children are not able to innovate beyond their parents. Isolated communities have very strong traditions, and a communal way of life. Talent is penalized, even so far as being accused of witchcraft.
    #60     Jun 24, 2008