R:R 1:1

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by skippy, Oct 14, 2006.

  1. 1:1 is not bad if you have over 75% winners over tons and tons of trades. You also have to factor in slippage and commissions which eat up most scalpers, especially on the futs. The truth is that most people would kill for a performace record like that. I stopped trading the ES because I couldnt get filled on limits and I am using direct connection to the exchange on an institutional platform..... I always had to have it trade through my price to get filled and always adding a tick or 2 of risk just to get in is not worth it IMO.
    #21     Oct 14, 2006
  2. interesting thread -- skippy for how long have you been profitable in your 1-1 strategy?
    #22     Oct 14, 2006
  3. Nothing wrong with 1:1 risk reward. Lots of traders do quite well with it. Marty Schwartz does a lot of 1:1 risk reward "scalp" trades.

    #23     Oct 14, 2006
  4. Maverick1


    Hi Skippy

    If you really have a 70% win rate, I'd tell you you have a decent shot at consistency. However, it seems that to get to your 70% win rate, you have to sit through adverse moves larger than 1.25 points as your method/conditions dictate... And therefore just based on this fact alone I don't think consistency is possible in the long run, because you will eventually hit the streak of big losers, that are much larger than 1.25pts, (you said you sat through 4pts of heat....for ex, whew) and in will dig yourself so deep a ditch that you'll likely find it very hard to climb out.

    I would have endorsed your stats if you told me that you've studied your winners and losers and have a way to trail stops which allows your risk reward to be more fluid vs static. In fact, I would venture to say that the best traders have a fluid risk reward... it starts out with highest initial risk, but as the trade moves on that risk diminishes and if the reward target is unchanged, the R:R improves. So ideally, under your method, 50% of trades would be full wins of 1.25pts, 30% would be full losses of 1.25pts, 10% smaller wins than 1.25pts, 10% smaller losses than 1.25pts (or alternatively 20% b/e).

    My advice would be to pull up the last 100-200 trades, and study your winners and if it's possible for you to reduce your initial risk on some trades (x%, in ex above, ~20%) and hence improve the overall risk reward. If you can't find a way to do that, odds are you'll be fresh kangaroo meat for them poachers in the ES.

    Hope this helps.
    #24     Oct 14, 2006
  5. skippy


    Hey Maverick, thanks for this. I'm not sure I'm following, however. In fact -- sorry -- I've just read this a fourth time and I'm afraid I don't understand. Would you mind spelling it out for a complete idiot (i.e., me)? Thanks again.
    #25     Oct 14, 2006
  6. Great post Maverick -- traders like you make these boards worthwhile. I've started reading all your previous posts and there is some amazing advice in there. Tx.

    #26     Oct 14, 2006