Quotetracker: removing spikes

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by ITR2744, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. ITR2744


    I use Quotetracker and IB (TWS)... In the historical chart for Sugar (SBH8), Cotton (CTH8) and Coffee (KCH8) I got some nasty spikes in the last trading days. How can I remove these spikes? I cannot find anything in QT to delete this...
  2. Moreagr


    right click on the chart and use spike removel either higher spike or lower spike.
  3. ITR2744


    Hmm... that doesn't work in a historical chart :confused:
  4. ITR2744


    even if i delete the spike (delete highest point all day) in an intraday chart, it appears again in the newly backfilled historical chart...
  5. sorry to say i have had similar problem...I guess that is something I must accept with free charting...........
  6. send them an email detailing your problem
  7. QT will remove spikes in the local data. When refilling the history it does not know what a spike is, could be genuine.
  8. In historical charts you remove spikes by editing the the historical data. Example: For symbol XYZ, note the date of the spike, right click on the chart and then click "Historical data for XYZ." A box then pops up showing the data the chart is built off of. Then locate the date in the box that has the spike and change the value in question to something that makes sense (or look up the correct value from another quote source).

    Unfortunately this is the only way to correct spikes in historical charts. Would be nice if QT made the process simple (Spike Removal) like it is for intraday charts. Maybe in a new version?
  9. ITR2744


    @ gravestone: many thanx! That works...