Well, I am throwing in the towel. This work-a-day world is too much for me. Can anyone suggest a web site where I can learn brain surgery? Preferably free? Are there any brain surgeons out there who will tell me how itâs done? Or maybe point to a few good books? Iâve already quit my job, so please hurry!
tampa, what a coincidence! I also quit my job today. Forget brain surgery and do what I'm going to do - turn $10,000 into $794,968 by December, as per page 19 of "Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities" magazine, March 2002 edition.
>>Can anyone suggest a web site where I can learn brain surgery?<< Soon. But you can get an MBA or JD online =now=, if that helps. >>Preferably free?<< Uh, no........
Tampa and Tom_P What are the plans now? The more I read about trading as a career, I start questioning the viability of becoming a "full-time" career day/swing trader. I find the market is not an "easy" place to make money even though I have been profit/loss neutral in the past 2 months trading from home. I am coming to this board to see if others may have suggestions for new traders how to survive in this game. hopefully we can learn from each other. Good Luck.
<I>Are there any brain surgeons out there who will tell me how itâs done? Or maybe point to a few good books? </I> There has got to be a chat room somewhere to teach you this skill. It's probably just a matter of how much you care to pay per month.
But I am going to open brain surgery chatroom tomorrow at www.brainlesssurgen.com ($20,000 a month). Hey, maybe I am not so brainless.