Quit Complaining About Living Through History

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Lucrum


    Pragmatic integrity maybe?

    Being willing to turn down entitlements is exactly what is needed to balance our budget and save our country from the abyss.

    An unemployed friend of who might personally benefit from Obama care was and is staunchly opposed to it. Why? Because he has the integrity, intestinal fortitude and intellectual honesty to know as a whole Obama care is bad for the country. THIS kind of relatively rare thinking is practically ALL that stands between us and the US going the way of Roman Empire.

    Now as a bleeding heart communist with delusions of non existent "equality" and no concept of personal responsibility I doubt you and your ilk will comprehend this. But please, for the sake of our country, TRY.
    #41     Jul 30, 2011
  2. Max E.

    Max E.


    The thing is that everyone takes advantage of the system, who woulndt take advantage of free money from the government?

    There is a reason why billionaires who chirp about paying higher taxes like buffet and gates dont simply donate money to the government themselves. It is because they realise what a waste the money is when it goes to the government. Why do you think those guys donate their money to charity as opposed to just giving it to the government? They know that they will have a far bigger impact by donating as opposed to putting it into the government cesspool.

    Bottom line is that everyone takes advantage of the way the system is set up, and thats the problem with entitlements, if a person can get free money, they arent going to decline it based on principle, for exactly the same reason why billionaires like buffet and gates talk about taxes yet dont volunteer an extra amount of their paycheque. When people see the way the money is being pissed away in the government anyways, they feel that they may as well take their piece of the pie, the only way to slow it down is to change the rules.
    #42     Jul 30, 2011
  3. Max E.

    Max E.

    LOL, i was writing my post, and didnt see yours, i literally put in the exact same word. :D
    #43     Jul 30, 2011
  4. Some people just can't help themselves with their genitalia references. Not getting any, hOHMy? Perhaps you and LuKKKrum can exchange a few references until the tension subsides.
    #44     Jul 30, 2011
  5. The Right wants to keep returning to the issue again and again during Obama's presidency in order to impede him from focusing on the other work he wants to get done. This 6-month bullshit is geared to keep him occupied while they wait out his term(s). That it keeps government in gridlock is a bonus for people who have proven themselves quite willing to cut their collective nose off to spite their overfed face.
    #45     Jul 30, 2011
  6. Not even close. If they had any integrity whatsoever, then they would have been outraged by Bush's spending and simultaneous tax cutting (always a great combo, eh?). Instead, if anyone questioned any of Bush's policies in any way, these same Rightster bad haircuts would accuse such dissenters of being unpatriotic, without exception. Remember those days? Now, however, up is down. Therefore, you are only "patriotic" and a "real" American if you are a dissenter. No middle ground. Funny how that works, eh? Did I mention up is down?

    "Integrity?" Don't ever lose that sense of humor.
    #46     Jul 30, 2011
  7. 377OHMS


    Nope, it just ain't working Gabs.

    You've no pride and get no respect in this place. I took you off ignore only to see you posting as desperately and meaninglessly as before. Any normal human being would have altered their behavior or simply left long ago.

    You are a masochistic fag-hag and there is no going back now.


    Your sir have been identified! :D
    #47     Jul 30, 2011
  8. Gosh, if a brain damaged Right Wing extremist (please forgive the redundancy) said so, why, then it must be true.
    #48     Jul 30, 2011
  9. 377OHMS


    Yep, you're ID'd. :D

    I was close but Denner was more accurate and far more eloquent than I.

    Masochistic Fag Hag with 100% likelihood. Let those who disagree step forward and defend your honor...

    (sound of crickets)

    Nobody? Will not one person defend this...man?
    #49     Jul 30, 2011
  10. rew


    Bullshit. The Tea Party is fed up with the big spending in both parties. The one major criticism I have with most Tea Partiers is that they glom onto necons like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. They should be aware that wars cost mucho money and that real conservatives hate unnecessary wars because aside from being wasteful of life they cost too damn much.
    #50     Jul 30, 2011