quint tatro- flexfolio - qman

Discussion in 'Trading' started by liulala, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. liulala


    any one use this service?

    quint is known as qman when he worked at sharkinvesting.com? but quited for unknown reason.

    Anyone use his new service, how do u like it?
  2. liulala


    Flexfolio Performance
    Flexfolio Total Average Return -5.86%
    S&P 500 -5.24%
    Nasdaq 0.51%

    good decision by rev shark to fire this guy!!!

    The service is horrible. The guy is clueless. Please stay away from this guy. I think he got over 90% faliure rate on his trades and he made tons of careless trades, just lose your money.

    The guy entered the market at the best time to make good money on oil stocks, but he even lose on the oil stocks, just amazing. Wow, loser!!!