Quickfix Status

Discussion in 'App Development' started by kmiklas, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. kmiklas


    Hello All,

    Is Quickfix still relevant today? Has it been supplanted by another open-source FIX engine?

    1. The forum is throwing an error.
    2. The documentation site is 404
    3. For the most part, Github repo has not been updated in about 3 years.

    It doesn't seem to be a healthy, thriving project.

    Four people have pointed me to Quickfix, but I'm not getting a good feeling about this. The only other option seems to be fix8, which is not entirely open-source; it is a tiered service offering where only the basic service is free:




  2. truetype


  3. kmiklas


    Zzzz1 likes this.
  4. InvBox


    It was so bad and poor so it had get the proper end.
  5. Branzol


    I've used an implementation of QuickFIX/J for close to a couple of years. The developer actively responds to questions. Support is what you would expect for something that is free, but he does respond. http://www.quickfixj.org/ and https://github.com/quickfix-j/quickfixj
    kmiklas likes this.