quick C++ STL questions..

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by EliteInterest, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. 1) The crosshairs have some transparency in their QColor, which is a cool feature. Maybe this can be a setting. Maybe I should add a 'crosshairs snap' feature so it is held to tick size/bar index. This could be useful for drawing - just toggle snap on and off - maybe even have something similar to a magnet tool like you see on certain platforms, except it would attempt to locate the relative low or high depending on mouse proximity. Bit too early for that - drawing tools are next week/month.

    2) I am not sure of the cleanest way to discern between date turn vertical lines and market open/close (i.e. 9:30/4:15) vertical lines. The way displayed below is just one idea I am kicking around. (I am sure you can tell I was inspired by a certain charting platform).

    3) Still have to do the date/time algorithm. I cleaned it up a bit. This one will be a pain. Right now the only way I can think of is a massive switch-case loop for each possible intraday timeframe configuration. This would be dependent upon the text width, etc. etc., real fun. It'll require a bit of thought. In this regard, tick and volume charts will be comparatively easy, as the spacing between gridlines will be constant, simply starting from the open of each day (i.e. 9:30).

    4) Much more to do. Time to start thinking about the big picture - how to bring it all together. Designing a chart is fun, but I have to think about some basic studies (to get started), symbol properties/symbol manager, workspaces, indicator groups, global settings, draw tools... then much more after that. Ultimately I am not simply trying to duplicate the functionality of existing chart programs, but rather have a code base upon which to implement the awesome ideas I have floating around my head. Unfortunately, until the basics are there, the cool stuff can't happen.

    5) Probably time for version 0.002a.

    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y12/e647g9i/chartshot-20050313.png"></img></br>
    #51     Mar 13, 2006
  2. What's your preference for the displayed date format?

    As shown, it is MM/DD/YYYY, i.e. 01/03/2005
    Could do MM/DD/YY, i.e. 01/03/05
    Maybe MM.DD.YYYY instead of slashes
    Or Mon-DD or Mon-D, i.e. Jan 3 or Jan 15

    I don't want to make it an option as code bloat is already setting in.

    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y12/e647g9i/chartshot-20050314.png"> </img><br>

    The date algorithm is pretty complex (for a date algorithm), mainly because I only wanted a given date to be shown once, and if possible the first shown date is left justified, etc., plus if there is 'whitespace' on the left, the first date is shown aligned with the first bar in the dataset, not left-justified. What fun.

    Sorry if the wide screen is still showing because of my previous code posts, it'll go away soon when the page number increments.

    #52     Mar 14, 2006