Greetings to All of you who visit this thread seeking knowledge regarding the vast array of multi-faceted tactics which are deployedby Nasdaq Market Makers so that they may retain a dominant influence in terms of information and intellgence superiority versus professional retail traders. As a point of disclosure, I am the CEO of SPECTRE INTELIGENCE "SPECTRE LEVEL IV" "SL4" which is an ultra-advanced real-time intelligence gathering and critical deiion support tool which directly conducts on-going, decisive, and evasive stok-by-stock analysis disclosing the surreptitious and cloake intentions of tese dominant ad predatory market forces........... Those of you wo do not recognize this environment to be a war of information superiority and prorietary intligence gathering are advised not to enter........ Those of you who wsh to ask highly intelligent, thought provoking, and incisive questions are welcome......... All the Very Best to All f You
Hi SL4CEO. Okay, I have a question that's kind of related to MM tactics, and which wasn't really answered on the letsgotrade thread: In what ways would SL4 be helpful to an emini Nasdaq trader (NQ)? I can imagine several possible answers: - NQ trading is a fools game - SL4 won't help you - SL4 will help you anticipate movements in the top Naz-100 stocks, and thus NQ - SL4 has a bunch of emini-related help that we haven't talked about yet - SL4 has a bunch of emini-related help that is not being sold to retail customers With respect to the third possible answer, do you have ways of monitoring groups of Naz stocks, or is the software oriented towards monitoring single stocks (as shown by your on-line examples)? Also, can SL4 be used without going through one of your brokers (as when using it to aid the trading of NQ)? Or who is the futures broker that you're considering working with? I've read books on Level II trading, but those books and other discussions about the effects of decimalization have led me away from this type of trading. Am willing to be convinced otherwise, so don't worry about offending me - just tell me how you think the Nasdaq game should be played. Thanks.
What is up with that language you and Xcowboy insist on using in your posts. "seeking knowledge regarding the vast array of multi-faceted tactics which are deployedby Nasdaq Market Makers so that they may retain a dominant influence in terms of information and intellgence superiority versus professional retail traders" "an ultra-advanced real-time intelligence gathering and critical deiion support tool which directly conducts on-going, decisive, and evasive stok-by-stock analysis disclosing the surreptitious and cloake intentions of tese dominant ad predatory market forces" Give me a break. My brain hurts after reading your stuff. And edit your posts why don't you!! It's gibberish already with your superficially clandistine tonal inclination revolving around your sublime implication of a market participant based conspiracy to committ acts of financial aggression towards those that would have themselves believe they are waging this economic battle with cyber weapons of culpable power and prowess who in fact are facing preditory forces whose capabilities will surely wreak havok on those who would unwisely enter their lairs of commoditized power! Having said that....your SL4 thingy looks pretty neat...think I'll give it a test ride.
As they say if you cannot "dazzle them with brilliance, you can baffle them with bullxxxx"... Mr. CEO, don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that you are in any way trying to BS anyone, it is simply that your first post here caused a lot of laughter around my offices, and I am sure elsewhere. I wish you success in using your software for trading profits in your trading account. And I am more than willing to add you to the list of reality based, authenticated profitable systems available...simply show your trading sheets and offer the advanced signals needed for verification. The traders here (even the one's who don't like me) are pretty sharp and won't be deluded by glittering generalities.
Is it just me?? What is up with that language you and Xcowboy insist on using in your posts. "seeking knowledge regarding the vast array of multi-faceted tactics which are deployedby Nasdaq Market Makers so that they may retain a dominant influence in terms of information and intellgence superiority versus professional retail traders" "an ultra-advanced real-time intelligence gathering and critical deiion support tool which directly conducts on-going, decisive, and evasive stok-by-stock analysis disclosing the surreptitious and cloake intentions of tese dominant ad predatory market forces" Give me a break. My brain hurts after reading your stuff. And edit your posts why don't you!! It's gibberish already with your superficially clandistine tonal inclination revolving around your sublime implication of a market participant based conspiracy to committ acts of financial aggression towards those that would have themselves believe they are waging this economic battle with cyber weapons of culpable power and prowess who in fact are facing preditory forces whose capabilities will surely wreak havok on those who would unwisely enter their lairs of commoditized power! Having said that....your SL4 thingy looks pretty neat...think I'll give it a test ride. **************************************************** Answer: it is just you.......... Q: Are you a professional trader....I mean a real professional trader??? The principals of both my development team and myself have an average of 20 years ON WALL ST. NOT in a livingroom trading on a we browser........ Truly sounds like you do not have a professional license nor have any experiece outside of a chatroom...... As far as your analysis, it is inverse and backward......... Before..........NOT make your comments you should refer to the experience level that you possess that allows you to provide what can only loosely be called your critique..... Next, you should THOROUGHLY review the technological and software intelligence structure that caused this technology to be possible and realized............. I analyze you to be an individal by reason of your posts that prejudicially assesses anything that you cannot understand nor have exerience be considered "nonsense" and then proceeds to impose this ignorance upon others......... Now, if you really wanted to attempt to undermine us....especiall if you represent a competing vendor.......why don't you claim that you did indee test the technology and it was, as you say "nonsense" Pursuant to your interest in testing the software....go right ahead.........however, new frontier technology as SPECTRE LEVEL IV is for professionals...... P.S. Stop watching the X Files as it appears to be giving you delusions of "SPECTRE"s............ Look elsewhere or your intelligence data........we ae not for you........
Okay, we all know what happens now on these threads: Everyone finds a reason to either act like they've been unjustly picked on, or to take out pent-up aggression on easy targets. Please remain civil so that I don't have to wade through 20 pages of emotional dribble. Thanks.
Sorry, but... As they say if you cannot "dazzle them with brilliance, you can baffle them with bullxxxx"... Mr. CEO, don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that you are in any way trying to BS anyone, it is simply that your first post here caused a lot of laughter around my offices, and I am sure elsewhere. I wish you success in using your software for trading profits in your trading account. And I am more than willing to add you to the list of reality based, authenticated profitable systems available...simply show your trading sheets and offer the advanced signals needed for verification. The traders here (even the one's who don't like me) are pretty sharp and won't be deluded by glittering generalities. *************************************************** Don, I can, in consideration of our direct face-to-face conversation at the Online Trading Expo that you would indeed compel your disciples to laugh........ Afte all, are they not led by the man who told me "the Nasdaq Market Makers are simply to clever" and"I just see my people losing money doing it" and "I think that I will stick to NYSE issues" "The NYSE Specialists are easy to call" Don when told of this technologies said "it just an't possible" and when I offered for you to access our complex in ral-time by which to "witness the impossible" and you not close your mind and say" NYSE only please......... What is it you most fear? Is it that this product is now publicy available in 20 countries? Could it be that you will be proven wrong and tht there is technology that Don Bright closed his mind to and refused to see? Is it that this technology "flies in the face" of your teachings regarding how the markets truly are dynamically strategized? Or could it be that possibly your clients may be offered this technology through a competing Direct Access BD.....offer provable and definitive information on Nasdaq whereby your clients will go elsewhere? I accept your challenge and engage you to do what I had so strongy suggested to you in the first place........ See the At least you will see what your traders will soon know........... Match you intelectually.....and then exceed you.............. Inelligent people will not befooled by your vaguerities........ Watch science in action verses your puffery and disuised protective instincts........ Once your staff and clients see the truth you will have alot of explaining to do................. All the Best............. HAPPY HOLIDAYS DON!
Hi SL4CEO. Okay, I have a question that's kind of related to MM tactics, and which wasn't really answered on the letsgotrade thread: In what ways would SL4 be helpful to an emini Nasdaq trader (NQ)? I can imagine several possible answers: - NQ trading is a fools game - SL4 won't help you - SL4 will help you anticipate movements in the top Naz-100 stocks, and thus NQ - SL4 has a bunch of emini-related help that we haven't talked about yet - SL4 has a bunch of emini-related help that is not being sold to retail customers With respect to the third possible answer, do you have ways of monitoring groups of Naz stocks, or is the software oriented towards monitoring single stocks (as shown by your on-line examples)? Also, can SL4 be used without going through one of your brokers (as when using it to aid the trading of NQ)? Or who is the futures broker that you're considering working with? I've read books on Level II trading, but those books and other discussions about the effects of decimalization have led me away from this type of trading. Am willing to be convinced otherwise, so don't worry about offending me - just tell me how you think the Nasdaq game should be played. Thanks. ************************************************** back to intelligent questions and commentary.......... Within SL4 an be engaged a basket trading function which can be established predicated upon mutiple variables.......... Those variables are fully disclosed during the training within the system environment........ A statistical and critical benefit to this capability is an elevation of timing proficiency and performance reliability....... I would prefer not to go into details here.......but I will if you call me directly............. Thankyou for the question...........
As I said in my original post, I would love to see this system work, and I would be glad to help you with some honest promotion. All you need to do is show me your trading sheets and take part in the sampling that other vendors are willing to participate in. We all get caught up in some type of rhetoric while at an expo, and if you can make big $$ trading the NASDAQ I applaud you. I simply told you our experiences over the last number of years. We encourage traders to try anything that they think will work...think about it, they still need a place to trade from and a firm to help them with it is in my best interest to see your system make money for real traders. Please introduce yourself again at the NYC expo, and if you would like to be included in our Investor Awareness test go to the Chat room thread and I will be happy to post some results. I am sometimes "read" wrongly, I do have to come off a bit strong at times to make a point, but I really like to see new things that work. Of course I'm a bit cynical, if I wasn't I probably wouldn't have had the success we've enjoyed over the years. Have a great Holiday Season....and drop me a personal email: