I currently have a margin account with IB and am seriously thinking of transferring two IRAs, currently at Etrade, to IB. I have emailed IB customer service but have not yet recieved a response. 1. What is the quickest and most straightforward way to transfer accounts to IB from another brokerage? 2. Can all of my accounts be traded using a single login and a single instance of the TWS? 3. One of the IRAs belongs to my wife. Can it be linked (with her permission, of course) to the others under a single login and instance of the TWS? I am trying to avoid having to log in to multiple accounts and the necessity to run a TWS for each one. I searched but could not find this information in any of the material posted on the website. I did notice that there is a space on the order screen in TWS to specify the account number which gave me cause to hope. I would appreciate any response from people that have had experience in these matters.
1. I believe that IB can only take cash. No transfer of securities. 2. Multiple accounts have multiple log ins. No linking. 3. You can't legally trade your wife's account at IB even with her permission. Of course if she gives you her login data, they will never know.