Question : Why did the Germans turn on the Jews ?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by oktiri, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Yeah you are right. Zionists are smarter.
    #31     Feb 11, 2009
  2. I'm not equating them either, I don't know where you got that idea from? I am just saying they're both despressing.
    #32     Feb 11, 2009
  3. Tresor


    What's wrong with the source cited by Cesko?

    #33     Mar 25, 2009
  4. Tresor


    Hi Mom0/pH0x,

    I think that what you did here is you selected a tiny passage from this wikipedia link to suit your thesis.

    If you wanted to truly make your case you would have cited the following passages:

    ''Of the 25 Bolsheviks who worked alongside Lenin as members and candidate members of the Politburo of the Central Committee from August 1917 to 5 March 1918 (between the 6th and 7th congresses)there were six ethnic Jews. Concurrently, there were eleven Russians, two Latvians, two Ukrainians, two Georgians, one Pole, the Finnish-and-Russo-Ukrainian, and one Armenian.''

    If you looked further you might also cite this from Wikipedia:

    ''Of the 22 Politburo Bolsheviks working alongside Lenin from 8 March 1918 to 17 March 1919 (between the 7th and 8th congresses) as members or candidate members there were seven ethnic Jews. Concurrently, there were nine Russians, three Latvians, one Ukrainian, one Pole, and one Georgian (Stalin).''

    Note, in Russian Politburo there were (only) nine Russians and seven Jews! Not enogh? Let's have a look at the passage that you cited. You wrote:

    ''Of the 42 Cheka prosecutors in September, 1918, at the height of Red Terror, a mere 8 were Jewish. The rest were 14 Latvians, 13 Russians and 7 Poles. Only 3.7% of the rank-and-file Cheka agents were Jewish at that time.''

    You ''forgot'' to add one sentence from Wikipedia at the top. The correct full citation is as follows (the ''forgoten'' sentence is in bold):


    Jews were among the members of the Soviet secret police. Of the 12 members of the Cheka Counter-revolutionary department in 1918, 6 were Jewish.
    Of the 42 Cheka prosecutors in September, 1918, at the height of Red Terror, a mere 8 were Jewish. The rest were 14 Latvians, 13 Russians and 7 Poles. Only 3.7% of the rank-and-file Cheka agents were Jewish at that time.''

    Now let me tell you how this worked: the twelve members of the Cheka (Soviet secrete police) department gave orders to prosecutors. Prosecutors were not independent at that time in Communist Russia (and still aren't).

    Soviet secret police have blood of tens of millions (not just millions!) innocent people on their hands. It was more criminal organization (in terms of number of killed) than any other organization in the World (German Nazis inclusive).

    The key role in Soviet secret police was played by the Jews. No doubt about it: 50% of the top deciders were Jews. It is the fact! Suprisingly, even English version of Wikipedia is not lying about this.

    Please Mom0/pH0x, for further discussion, if you ever cite any source, cite it completely! Do not manipulate!

    #34     Mar 26, 2009