Hi, I am planning to join IB but first I like to ask some questions about their commission from someone who has used it for a long time. Currently I have Ameritrade but they have a bug in calculating their maintenance requirement for uncovered put and they don't want to fix it. Now my questions: 1- Will IB charge me $10 per month if my commission is less than $30/ month? what if I spend $27/month? 2- Will I get streaming Level 1 quote for free or I have to pay for it? 3- Are there any hidden charges that they catch you on them? Thanks Ed
1- Will IB charge me $10 per month if my commission is less than $30/ month? what if I spend $27/month? http://www.interactivebrokers.com/index.html (USD 10.00 market data fee if less than USD 30.00 in commissions per month) $27 is less than $30 so the answer is Yes, you will have to pay $10. 2- Will I get streaming Level 1 quote for free or I have to pay for it? Quote fees from Question 1 includes Streaming Quotes. You put the stock symbol into your Workstation and it keeps updating. 3- Are there any hidden charges that they catch you on them? No.