Quercetin - Covid study, before publication

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Pekelo, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. Pekelo


    They started this in March and ran it for 4 months. So a few days ago I emailed the Turkish doctor about the results. This morning he sent me the results. This is the preliminary, before publication in the Lancet results, you heard it first!!:

    The original study description:


    Results before publication:


    "Results: A total of 113 persons included. No significant difference detected between groups in terms of other features.Mean age of QCB group was 39.0 ± 8.8 years and control group was 32.9 ± 8.7.Average follow-up period for the QCB group was 113 days, and for the control group, 118, during follow-up period, 1 healthcare worker in QCB group and 9 out of 42 in control group had COVID-19.One of cases was asymptomatic, while others were not.Transmission risk hazard ratio whose did not receive QCB was 12.04 (95% Confidence interval= 1.26-115.06, P = 0.031).No significant effect of gender, smoking, antihypertensive medication exposure and having chronic disease on rate of transmission.

    Conclusion: This study revealed that QCB was protective for healthcare workers.Trial registration NCT04377789"
    Wallet likes this.
  2. Wallet


    Thank you for posting this.
  3. Wallet


  4. Pekelo


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