quantum questions

Discussion in 'Politics' started by darkhorse, Aug 20, 2002.

  1. darkhorse,

    you wanna post what book you just copied that from.
    #21     Aug 21, 2002
  2. Publias

    Publias Guest

    I think you have made another fan Dark! :D :p
    #22     Aug 21, 2002

  3. sure, its called 'How to Open a Can of Whupass on the World'
    by Professor D. Horse
    #23     Aug 21, 2002
  4. Publias

    Publias Guest

    hahahahaha bro you amuse me so!:p
    #24     Aug 21, 2002
  5. mkmps


    I am not quite sure if you're presuming that link between a-b-c points exists, or are more interested in the implications if it does. I know a guy who has been concentrating on the second part of the statement. The modelling that he has done over the period of a couple of years... I think he's working on how to display results within 3-D scale. MK
    #25     Aug 21, 2002
  6. Rigel


    It's obvious that we cannot regard the order of coincidences as immediately given, since the subjective order of perceptions does not necessarily correspond to the objective order of external events. It can only serve as the basis of a complicated procedure by which the objective order is inferred. This difference is due to the fact that perceptions form a one dimensional chain, while objective point events belong to a four-dimensional manifold.:D
    (not mine but I hope it helps)
    #26     Aug 21, 2002

  7. not presuming (don't know enough yet), more interested in implications

    i can't find the bridge.
    has anyone seen the bridge?
    now where's that confounded bridge?

    (Led Zep fans, name that tune)
    #27     Aug 21, 2002

  8. ??? so you just use a quasidimensional cube instead of a traditional roadmap to navigate the plotting process. DUH, lol

    #28     Aug 21, 2002
  9. From the Houses of the Holy album, 1973, song #4, The Crunge (Bonham/Jones/Page/Plant). And yes, I'm a big fan.
    #29     Aug 21, 2002
  10. Darkhorse, if you want to build the muscles in your brain. Supercharge the neurons so to speak, then also have a look at a book called "Smart Drugs and Nutrients." Exercise for the brain is one thing, but diet is another.

    There are chemicals around that can actually improve communication between the left and right sides of the brain. If fact some research indicates that uncreative people are mearly so, because the neural pathways between the creative and analytical areas are underdeveloped, much like Permabulls brain.

    To use an analogy, its like you have two different, yet powerful computers on each side of the brain. Ones a Mac and ones a PC. Everyone has them, but in some people, the ethernet cable is missing.

    Athletes have been known to take these smart drugs because they have the ability to improve things like hand eye co-ordination. They can also help you perform simple tasks like drawing a perfect circle. I have yet to test them, but they may also improve your ability to watch more screens or work more hot keys in a given period of time.

    There are also chemicals that improve blood flow and others that aid recall. Some elemental minerals can assist in strengthening the neural pathways as well.

    There is evidence that these drugs may also slow the onset of age related memory loss. All in all, a very interesting area of research.

    #30     Aug 21, 2002