QuantDeveloper/ TT connectivity and other issues

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by SmoothTraderFX, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. <IMG SRC="http://ken-okabe.net/TTFA0.PNG">
    Just after demoTTFA is launched. It's holding here. QD is not running yet.

    <IMG SRC="http://ken-okabe.net/TTFA1.PNG">
    QD running, and tried to connect TTFA

    <IMG SRC="http://ken-okabe.net/TTFA2.PNG">
    The sequence pattern...

    <IMG SRC="http://ken-okabe.net/QDoutput.PNG">
    QD IDE output

    <IMG SRC="http://ken-okabe.net/TTFAversion.PNG">
    The version of demoadapter.exe is

    QD tt.cfg file looks as you have presented. It is the default setting and I didn't touch. I only overwrote TTFA side configration file to match that.

    I confirmed the below folder is empty, delted all .body .headeer ... files in prior to launching QD.
    C:\QuantDeveloper .NET\fix\tt\logs\tt
    (installed on C-Root)

    Well, I think I sort of understand how the both applications are pluged and thought the configuration properly set up, but it looks like that QD forces reset/logout the connection after the login for some reason, in my environment. I use Thinkpad, PentiumM processor/512Mb memory, and the CPU usage/Memory usage during this test looks absolutely no problem. It's just a provider connection test after all. So no hardware issue. I would like to eventually load ATS on some dedicated server, so OS should be Windows Server2003. Plus, it just has been clean-installed. No OS issue. I installed QD and TTdemo just after that. Just have tweaked TT FIXadapter Config file to match the QD default TTFIX setting. Even haven't run TTSIM environment once. Just demoTTFA launched, then QD. So, I believe no Application issue. No idea what's wrong with my setting...

    Please investigate.


    #31     Nov 10, 2005

    Here is the thing.
    In short, my downloaded TTFA version is out of date enough to interact to QD.

    Some kind TT support-AlvinTanpoco who is a member of here PMd me that I should try version6.3, so I downloaded 'product version' of TTFA alone, and overwrite the Config file as instructed. Then Green, worked.

    Thanks a lot for your helps. I can proceed.


    #32     Nov 10, 2005
  3. Anton,

    What is your version of TTSIM and TTadapter?

    I installed the latest TTSIM, but with included demo FIXadapter that is version, the communication with QD doesn't work as firstly reported here. So, basically, I extracted FIXadapter exe that is version and some components from the latest production FIXadapter package . It works with QD, but I cannnot request TTinstrument as you did.
    Actually, I'm still stuck on the stage of TTFIX connection. Am I the only one who has this kind of confusion and anyone else who test QD with TTSIM-FIX has no problem at all??

    #33     Nov 11, 2005
  4. Yes, we have several customers who manage to successfully connect to TT FA 6.3. without problems, receive quotes and route orders.

    What do you see in TT FA console when you send SecurityDefinitionRequest from QD ?

    #34     Nov 12, 2005
  5. Anton,

    TT support person suggested me that VF is prepairing simulation mode of FIX adapter, so I am asking about that issue to VF, now.

    Iam basically, back to VS.net2003 environment since so many compatibility issue may occur to take advantage demoApp etc. with VS2005.

    The behavior of the QuantDeveloper against TTSIM environment is as same as usual, but when I built the damoApp project on VS.net2003 and try to connect TTFIX, I have the following errors.
    #35     Nov 12, 2005
  6. QD version is 1.0.88.

    QD itself does not output the error. Just repeating Login-out with TTSIM demo.

    Both demoApp.exe (already built and in the folder) and demoApp that is built on the project of VS2003 output the error.

    Could you confirm?


    #36     Nov 12, 2005
  7. I have checked that there is FIX42_TT.xml file under the tt folder.
    #37     Nov 12, 2005
  8. Path to the dictionary file is set in QuickFIX engine config file (tt.cfg). Unfortuantely it's relative path (to your application bin directory), so that you should check that you have dictionary file in DataDictionary=../fix/tt/FIX42_TT.xml .

    You run included DemoApp.exe from the same QD bin folder, so the dictionary file is already there. You should copy dictionary file to right location when you run DemoApp from different binary folder (MSVS project folder).

    #38     Nov 13, 2005
  9. Anton,

    Thanks. Basically resolved.
    I changed it to absolute path, or perhaps it's not the problem but / and \ expression issue.

    ../fix/tt/FIX42_TT.xml .

    C:\QuantDeveloper .NET\fix\tt\FIX42_TT.xml

    Not sure why / and \ confusion here, but the above is the result of copy&paste from the Explorer path.

    #39     Nov 13, 2005
  10. Actually it's not that convinient to deal with QuickFIX config file. It would be much better to be able to set everything programmatically (or in QD properties window). Hopefully Oren Miller, QuickFIX author, is working on these issues :)

    #40     Nov 13, 2005