QQQ liquidity on ISLD...

Discussion in 'Trading' started by GreenDog, Jan 9, 2003.

  1. continuing to decline. Slippage now 2-3 cents in some cases (on 10K+ shares). disappointing.

    Still planning on making the switch to ES.
  2. links

    links Guest

    I am not sure why anyone would want to trade QQQ/SPY etc.

    The eminis offer round the clock trading, little slippage, lower commission and very beneficial tax treatment. The tax benefits of trading eminis vs stocks usually pay all the commissions for the year.

    You sound like a experienced trader, but for novice traders its not a good idea to start trading futures until you have a proven trading record. If a trade 'gets away' from you it can cause substantial dent in your account in a short period of time.

    Good luck trading
  3. sammybea


    people who still trade with the q's over the minis are insane.. period. Can anyone here give me one reason to do so??
  4. A beginning trader who eventually wants to trade the minis might trade QQQs/SPYs (through IB 100 shares at a time) to get their feet wet. They would learn a lot and bleed less.

    More experienced traders might test new strategies on the QQQs/SPYs in order to risk less money during the technique's infancy stage.

  5. I make consistent money trading the Qubes. I have a wife, a baby on the way, and an astronomical mortgage in southern California. The old "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" philosophy has kept me from making the switch to ES so far.

  6. "people who still trade with the q's over the minis are insane.. period. Can anyone here give me one reason to do so??"

    doing ARB can still be profitable sometimes ....

    but not like in the good old days ( sigh)