Putin screws Shell

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Pekelo, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. I had to agree. I don't know good it or bad. But nobody and never had control over russia, nor political nor economical. It's our mentality.
    Alex, Russia.
    #31     Dec 13, 2006
  2. Tums


    Sakhalin is next to Japan.
    #32     Dec 13, 2006
  3. yes, but it's a russian territory and everything in russia is managed from moscow, so it's under eastern europeans control...
    #33     Dec 13, 2006
  4. newbunch


    I didn't say there is no manipulation. I said that true capitalists against manipulation. I admitted that there is "lobbying, bribing, and manipulation" by "business interests," "labor union, environmental groups, etc."
    #34     Dec 13, 2006
  5. Grant



    What is “true capitalism” ; who, and where, are they?

    I would like your opinion as opposed to verbatim regurgitation from Wikipedia, Webster’s, etc.

    #35     Dec 13, 2006
  6. newbunch


    Capitalism (not as defined by Marx, but by Smith, Mises, Rothbard) is free trade with little or no government interference.

    Obviously, to have free trade you need private property to have something that is yours to trade and rule of law to ensure others don't steal your property.
    #36     Dec 13, 2006
  7. The world is engaged in a cold war for resources. This is a consequence of interest rates being too low and causing massive price hikes for basic resources.
    #37     Dec 13, 2006
  8. #38     Dec 27, 2006
  9. From 1990 to around 1996 or 97, there was almost no interference from the state in Russia. In fact, a heavy criticism to the emergence of the oligarchs is the fact that the government did absolutely nothing as these guys were grabbing assets for less than pennies on the dollar. The problem was that the transition to a capitalist system in Russia was without even barely adequate regulations and overseeing. It was just a free-for-all, obviously those in better positions and with better contacts quickly succeeded above the rest. There are a few books on the subject, it is unconceivable to most what happened and that it was allowed to happen.

    You have to learn about what happened in Russia at the time before you can claim that it was not laissez faire. To the contrary, it was probably the most laissez faire environment in modern society.

    The capitalism proponents rarely want to face the truth. Free trade/laissez faire as a superior system is a fairy tale. Of course if you are the one at the top of the food chain, it is a fairy tale, at least before the greed consumes you.
    #39     Dec 27, 2006
  10. The Politicos in the US and Britain are upset at Putin (upset is putting it lightly). He won't play along with their games. More importantly, the Atlanticists are jealous of Putin and his bold moves. Simply because, they cannot do the same thing (at least not openly).

    You can legitimately make arguments for and against Putin. But you cannot take anything away from him. He has done well with the hand he was dealt. I say fair play to him.

    Furthermore, all the 'powerful' Western Politicos he has seething mad are all people I don't care for. You should hear the Neocons I talk to cry about Putin. I love it.

    A new word has been born..... "You have been Putined".
    #40     Dec 27, 2006