Puerto Rico Trump-bashing mayor under FBI investigation?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. As I always say, no problem whatsoever with her putting on a good defense if it comes to that and she has one.

    She likes to think that she is the leader of the "poor Puerto Rico everyone ignores us" and "screw trump" movement.

    But if any of these charges are true, then she will ultimately do a real disservice to Puerto Rico because there are many that allege that it is Puerto Rico's own internal corruption that holds it down. This type of thing does not help.

    Yup. This is Life on the Democratic Plantation 101. The dem leaders get their cut- everyone else- not so much.

    gwb-trading likes this.
  2. exGOPer


    FBI investigating Trump and his cronies that has led to numerous indictments and guilty pleas? WITCH HUNT!

    FBI investigating some Dem that is just being reported? DEM PLANTATION! TRUMP TOLD YOU ABOUT CORRUPTION!
  3. Welcome to Chicago south, Puerto Rico division. Or maybe Chicago is Puerto Rico, north division. Difficult to tell the difference these days. Crime, poverty and corruption, all brought to us by decades of left leaning policies.
  4. exGOPer


    "Burn the FBI to the ground, they've lost all credibility and are leading an illegal witch hunt. Corruption at the highest levels"


    "Heh, that one mayor that didn't like Trump is under investigation by the FBI. She wouldn't be under investigation by them if she hadn't have done something corrupt. Lock her up!"

    These are average cognitive dissonance levels for conservatives.