Psychopolitics, Booms/Busts cycles, Tax, Drugs & War by Beria Soviet Secret Police

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by harrytrader, Apr 14, 2003.

  1. maxpi


    I was just thinking about how both the left and the right use crisis to gain power. The war on drugs is from the "drug crisis", the takeover and control (and subsequent utter mismanagement) of land is from the "Environmental crisis", the socialism is from the "Economic crisis" and then it creates an ongoing "Economic crisis", etc. They have these crises ongoing even if they have to make them up as they go along.

    I don't think the Federal Reserve is from any crisis, governments had a habit of borrowing from banks to finance wars and then when the war was over they would say "what do you mean pay you, we have an experienced army and you have only a bank" , so the Federal Reserve is a natural step for the bankers.

    Read "The Merchant Bankers". It was a best seller about 40 years ago, tells the history of these big banking families, pretty interesting stories how they got started. They hang out in places like the Bohemian Club in San Francisco, I've been in there, seen them in action, etc. They are just people, extremely overreacting and haughty in some cases but not all.

    #11     Apr 15, 2003
  2. It is not a question of BELIEF, it is a historical fact: the justification of creation of Federal Reserve given by JP Morgan to the politicians has been the crisis that preceded, you can just read it for example in books dealing with history of Money like the one from John Kenneth Galbraith "Money, whence it came, where it went".

    This single fact doesn't prove that it is a conspiracy I just answer to your very remark. Let's just note that before the existence of Federal Reserve Bank JP Morgan acted somehow like a Central Bank so it wasn't its interest to be substituted unless ...

    #12     Apr 15, 2003
  3. You're right not believe in something that you cannot check. It is very difficult to check but not impossible. It can take very long to gather all the informations, to confront from different independant sources etc... that's what I have been doing for more than 2 years now and I don't have finished. I have so many documents that I must classify to have a very clear picture and I will draw it on a scheme. As for Elliott, it is not impossible to check statistically for some parts like fibonacci ratios and that has been done by academics and that I can confirm at 100% with my model that doesn't presuppose fibonacci ratios but mesuring output I can get ratios that are very near fibonacci ratios, it is more difficult to check the structure sequences and that's what I am trying to do with my model but Elliott sequences can be complex so I didn't achieve yet. What I can say at the moment is that the minimum number of waves is always 3.

    #13     Apr 15, 2003
  4. Like Religion, in itself it is not anti-human, the problem is some men who are pretexting Religion or Political Ideology to drive the people towards dictature. And they will always pretext that they do only do it for the good of the people do you expect them to tell the people the contrary ?

    It is said that Marx did reject what it has become. Marx was perhaps a true humantirian man but that they exploited his idea and turned it into a caricature so that the real marxism cannot be achieved, I don't know really since I never read Marx, it is just to say that even if the ideology at the beginning was not intended for evil THEORICALLY it has been turned so PRACTICALLY.

    #14     Apr 15, 2003
  5. Huh?
    #15     Apr 15, 2003
  6. This is the site of an american who was also a communist which is very interesting because he says

    "we were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical, for the destruction of the Capitalistic society and Christian civilization."

    but he seems to regret:

    "during the past few years, I have noted with horror the INCREASE of psychopolitical warfare upon the AMERICAN PUBLIC."

    and warns you:

    "This manual of the Communist Party should be in the hands of every loyal American, that they may be alerted to the fact that it is not always by armies and guns that a nation is conquered."

    His site contains the manual of psychopolitics that was distributed to AMERICAN STUDENTS with a preface from Beria:

    A few Excerpt:

    "Authors of literature which seek to demonstrate the picture of a society under complete mental control and duress should be helped toward infamy or suicide to discredit their works.

    Any legislation liberalizing any healing practice should be immediately fought and defeated. All healing practices should gravitate entirely to authoritative levels, and no other opinions should be admitted, as these might lead to exposure.

    Movements to improve youth should be invaded and corrupted, as this might interrupt campaigns to produce in youth delinquency, addiction, drunkenness, and sexual promiscuity.

    Communist workers in the field of newspapers and radio should be protected wherever possible by striking out of action, through Psychopolitics, any persons consistently attacking them. These, in their turn, should be persuaded to give every possible publicity to the benefits of psychopolitical activities under the heading of "science."

    Death and violence against persons attacking Communism in a nation should be eschewed as forbidden. Violent activity against such persons might bring about their martyrdom. Defamation, and the accusation of insanity, alone should be employed, and they should be brought at last under the ministrations of psychopolitical operatives, such as psychiatrists and controlled psychologists.

    If Psychopolitics succeeds in its mission throughout the Capitalistic nations of the world, there will never be an atomic war, for Russia will have subjugated all of her enemies.
    Communism has already spread across one-sixth of the inhabited world. Marxist Doctrines have already penetrated the remainder. An extension of the Communist social order is everywhere victorious. The spread of Communism has never been by force of battle, but by conquest of the mind. In Psychopolitics we have refined this conquest to its last degree.

    The end of war is the control of a conquered people. If a people can be conquered in the absence of war, the end of war will have been achieved without the destruction of war. A worth goal.

    The psychopolitician has his reward in the nearly unlimited control of populace, in the uninhibited exercise of passion, and the glory of Communist conquest over the stupidity of the enemies of the People.
    #16     Apr 16, 2003
  7. Don't miss this chapter !



    "Mental health organizations must carefully delete from their ranks anyone actually proficient in the handling or treatment of mental health. Thus must be excluded priests, ministers, actually trained psychoanalysts, good hypnotists, or trained Dianeticists. These, with some cognizance on the subject of mental aberration and its treatment, and with some experience in observing the mentally deranged, if allowed frequency within institutions,and if permitted to receive literature, would, sooner or later, become suspicious of the activities engaged upon by the psychopolitical operative. These must be defamed and excluded as "untrained," "unskillful," "quacks," or "perpetrators of hoaxes."
    #17     Apr 16, 2003
  8. It could also be that this text is a manipulation from of Scientology because Ron Hubbard wrote a very similar text ... or he has inspired from it, it's impossible to know. Goff did exist since he has made a testimony before Congress but there is no absolute certitude that he mentions this text.
    #18     Apr 16, 2003