Psychopaths In Reality Vs Psychopaths Online

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Nobert, Jan 30, 2023.

  1. Nobert


    Ifitis likes this.
  2. this guy, David Kuvales has 5 different rooms with same trade day stats , uses obscenities, antisemitic posts and pictures, condemns US, death threats etc. Called worse in the indsutry.



    Am i the only one that thinks Jordan Peterson is a bunch of rambling gibberish nonsense?
    longandshort likes this.
  4. M.W.


    Absolutely not, you are not alone. There is a horde of woke individuals, often times of incredibly low intellect and education who would not even begin to understand what Peterson is on about. Not saying you belong to that group but there are many who can't or refuse to understand anyone who utters intellectually meaningful sentences.

    yoriz, Ifitis, zghorner and 1 other person like this.
  5. notagain


    DOJ(real psychopaths) emasculates all forms of independence.
    Jordan spells out cause and effect.
    Twitter still employs ex FBI and has a back door with the agencies.
    YouTube censors everything, the public is kept in the dark.
  6. easymon1


  7. Ifitis


    If you can not listen to other peoples opinions, and respect other points of view that differ from yours, you are already not free. Jordan is trying to explain that to people. Many people have been indoctrinated to think a certain way, and attack or dislike those that express things they were told were wrong. Many of these people are not even aware they have been, basically, brainwashed to think this way. This is very dangerous and threatens everyones freedoms.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2023
    yoriz, MKTrader, M.W. and 2 others like this.
  8. JP is what an illiterate thinks a smart person sounds like.
  9. MKTrader


    Says a self-congratulatory blowhard who still lives in San Franshithole. Here's a "smart person" test for you: what do lobotomy and sodomy have in common? Besides sort of rhyming and being common in the place you call home?
  10. I seemed to have touched a nerve. Size will do that.
    #10     Jan 31, 2023